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  1. W

    How to overclock hp laptop processor

    i have laptop hp 17-cp0014ua and wanna overclock it how can i do this with this bios
  2. APIVS

    My pc is giving a overclock failure message

    Hello saviors, My laptop keeps giving me the following message, Warning! System overclocking failed, Press on restart and: 1. pres F2 to en Bios setup-menu 2. press F9 to load standard Bios-setup 3. Press F10 to save and quit Wel obviously i tried this, but message keeps on apearing. Also i...
  3. A

    Solved RAM not performing at correct speed

    Hello. I am having a problem so I just upgraded my RAM to this: ram which clocks at 3600 MHZ. I have this: motherboard which can OC to 4000 MHZ. Right now the RAM shows up fine and I do understand that when in speccy or cpu-z when it says something like: "32.0GB Dual-Channel Unknown @ 1066MHz...
  4. G

    PC randomly freezes and sound loops any help, please?

    Hi guys. I need some advice on an issue I have been having recently. My pc specs: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit CPU: RYZEN 5 1600 PSU: Antec 500W VP500PC bronze plus RAM:G.Skill F4-3200C16D-16GTZB TridentZ 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4-3200MHz CL16 1.35V GPU: RX-590P8DFD6 8GB GDDR5 256-bit MOBO: MSI B350M GAMING...
  5. B

    Solved Overclocking RAM and CPU?

    Hello, I'm pretty new when it comes to overclocking. I just built a pretty decent gaming/video editing rig, and I have a question about overclocking my system to get a little better performance out of it. For a CPU I have a AMD Ryzen 5 2600X and for RAM I have 16GB of Corsair Vengeance LPX...