No input video / keyboard

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PCHF Member
Sep 6, 2019
Hey guys , i would love to ask. I built my computer today and when i plugged my monitor to it , it said no input video .So I tried to plug the hdmi from monitor to my laptop and it worked. Also with keyboard , it wouldnt work on my computer , but worked on my laptop . Do you know what could be wrong ? . Tnx
motherboard MSI B450 TOMAHAWK
AMD RYZEN 5 3600 processor
SilentiumPC Navis RGB 240 AiO cooler
ASUS EXPEDITION GeForce GTX 1060 6G graphic card
RAM HyperX 16GB KIT DDR4 3200MHz CL16 Predator Series
Corsair VS650 White Certified power supply
SilentiumPC Signum SG1X TG RGB case
LCD monitor 24" Philips 243V7QJABF
keyboard trust gtx 830
I am assuming,you have all the power cables connected. Also some more info,are the other hardware running?
Does the unit seem to be powering on correctly?
You are connecting to the Display card?
Do the fans come on?
Can you tell if the water cooler is circulating the fluid or not?
Does anything get displayed on the screen besides no video input?
Do you hear the beep codes and if so what are they?
Are there any lights on the motherboard and if so what are they?
You did connect the USB ports to the motherboard properly?
If you rebuild the system outside of the case on a non conductive (cardboard) does it work properly?
RAM is in the proper slots?
Others may have more to ask.
Yes . Other hardware is running . But its weird , when i plug my mouse , its working , but when i plug keyboard its not. Also speakers are working as well.
Does the unit seem to be powering on correctly?** Yes.
You are connecting to the Display card?** Yes.
Do the fans come on?** Yes.
Can you tell if the water cooler is circulating the fluid or not?** Not really.
Does anything get displayed on the screen besides no video input?** After No video input , it just goes to sleep mode.
Do you hear the beep codes and if so what are they?** No i dont.
Are there any lights on the motherboard and if so what are they?** There is 1 light . But i have no clue what it is.
You did connect the USB ports to the motherboard properly?** Yes , but i can recheck.
If you rebuild the system outside of the case on a non conductive (cardboard) does it work properly?** Will try.
RAM is in the proper slots?** Yes.
Others may have more to ask.
Are there any lights on the motherboard and if so what are they?** There is 1 light . But i have no clue what it is.
Which one is lit up
manual page # 37

EZ Debug LEDsThese LEDs indicate the status of key components during booting process. When an error is occurred, the corresponding LED stays lit until the problem is solved.
CPU - indicates CPU is not detected or fail.
DRAM - indicates DRAM is not detected or fail.
VGA - indicates GPU is not detected or fail.
BOOT - indicates the booting device is not detected or fail.
You did not have to force the CPU in and it is secure?
Do you know which version of BIOS in installed?
You did use about a pea size amount of thermal paste?
Remove all of the plastic coverings between the CPU and the Cooler?

@Bruce and @phillpower2 may have more ideas and or suggestions.
motherboard MSI B450 TOMAHAWK
AMD RYZEN 5 3600 processor

Got the following warning when I entered the above info into a PCPartpicker list here

Warning!Some AMD B450 chipset motherboards may need a BIOS update prior to using Matisse CPUs. Upgrading the BIOS may require a different CPU that is supported by older BIOS revisions.

See AMD Short Term Processor Loan Boot Kit info here
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