Nice Computer, Crap FPS

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Ok so I just performed the clean boot. Before I did, the guy texted me that he is getting only around 50 fps stable in H1Z1, however he uninstalled an antivirus that installed onto his computer (by the person's parent or brother I believe) and then the fps went up to 70 fps stable (used to be 125 fps stable). After I performed the clean boot and he now is getting like random frame drops down to 50 fps every 5 seconds.

I didn't have time to perform a chkdsk, but I will probably do it soon. Sorry for the late response, been having conflicting schedules with the person who owns the computer.

Sincerely and thank you again,


EDIT* I changed everything back to normal after the clean boot and he says he is getting around 125 fps stable. Still though seems low for a 1070 on low settings. Any other tests I can try?
I was looking at some posts to see if maybe I could find an answer there as well. I came across this, don't know if it might be the problem but:

"I fixed my problem and can now hit 200 fps on modified Epic settings (no dynamic reflections or ambient occlusion, low fog detail) on my setup in multiplayer. 90+% usage on both CPU and GPU. Turned out my problem was my RAM. Even though it was a DDR4 2133mhz, I found it was benchmarking lower than other sticks (I guess you shouldn't cheap out on RAM). So I switched from Corsair to a HyperX Fury and my CPU bottleneck went away. Other people are reporting that it might be an issue with the GTX 1060/70/80 line or because of the high bandwidth servers though."

How would I go about checking the Ram Speeds in the BOIS of an MSI motherboard?
Go ahead and run the Check Disk on the hard drive and then let me know what speed the RAM is running at. Once you have finished running Check Disk and we see how fast your RAM is running then we will go from there.
When you say 'your RAM' do you mean like my RAM personally on my own computer? Or my friend's computer's RAM?
Ok, so I had him check the RAM Speed in the BIOS and this is what he sent me:

based on what I saw, his RAM is at 2133 mHZ. I don't know if that is the proper way to check that but it is what it says in the picture above.

I made him type in the command (run as admin): chkdsk C: /r and restarted his computer. He then left it and wen to go eat, he said he came back to it and everything was fine. I had him play a game and he is still running at about 120 fps that is dropping down to 70-80 at times.
The memory is already set to the fastest speed that the motherboard supports but because there is only one stick of RAM the memory performance is a bit slower than what you would get if there were 2 memory modules installed.

Have you opened up Task Manager during a game to see if there are any other processes that are using up the memory or CPU resources of the machine?
The memory is already set to the fastest speed that the motherboard supports but because there is only one stick of RAM the memory performance is a bit slower than what you would get if there were 2 memory modules installed.

Have you opened up Task Manager during a game to see if there are any other processes that are using up the memory or CPU resources of the machine?
No I haven't done that yet, I'll have the person do that today and Ill monitor it.
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