In Progress new motherboard

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The motherboard choices nowadays are pretty much all the same, it just matters which skin you like the most.

I am an ASUS proponent as they have treated me well in RMA matters and seem fairly competitive in terms of price/performance.

Gigabyte is fine, they're not my favorite units but I have looked before- make sure it has the adequate number of internal fan headers, as well as things being placed well for your GPU's length (think about USB-C headers/RGB that might be in line with the card).

Something to think on- check the QVL for Memory and Storage, I had an ASRock board that would only recognize some sorts/brands of NVMe memory- due to this I strongly recommend against them.

Otherwise, MSI, EVGA, etc- just don't buy a cheap board, 140 should get you somewhat close to the mid-range.
+1 on the price issue - you get what you pay for.
I tend to go mid-range, or slightly above, and quite often I have bought something and luckily found the mobo had the port, or spare slot, or whatever on it that I needed.
Cheaper boards tend not to.