Solved New build stopped working after a few hours. Lights on CPU, DRAM, VGA. Reboots itself every 15 sec. No display on both GPU and Mobo.

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Yes my current SSD has Windows on it. I installed it right after I finished my build. It worked for a few hours.

That's why after the BIOS I get a "Restarting..." Windows screen before it reboots.

So if I boot a new install I hope it will format my SSD and remove the Windows I installed on Monday
Thanks for the update (y)

after the BIOS I get a "Restarting..." Windows screen before it reboots.

See if you are able to force the computer to start in the Windows Recovery Environment (RE) by starting up and shutting down the computer two or three times using the case power button, please note that you need to shut down the computer after the MBs splash/logo screen and just before Windows attempts to load, if successful you should then continue to the Troubleshooting options and then hopefully be able to use Reset this PC, a system restore point or Safe Mode etc.

So if I boot a new install I hope it will format my SSD and remove the Windows I installed on Monday

Yes it would but that would imply that it was Windows that was the cause of all your problems from the outset and from the description of what was originally happening that is most unlikely, you also need to keep in mind the progress that we have made since since your initial OP and yet Windows still cannot load.
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Thanks to you I managed to reinstall Windows and it's now working.

It doesn't explain why it crashed the first time so I'm pretty anxious now. I have not done anything yet except shutting down the computer to see if it boots (it does, but the boot led doesn't stay on, I guess it doesn't matter)

So for now I'm just letting it run for awhile to see if it's not related to the PSU.

What would you advise me to do next? Maybe run a few softwares to see if my components are properly working?
Hello idkman,

Sorry but have only just finished so couldn't get back to you

Whatever you do, do not install anything whatsoever until we touch base tomorrow, I will 100% guide you through testing your hardware, for now I need a coffee and a good nights sleep
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Sorry another late one so had an early night :cautious:

Are things still going okay.

Are you creating new system restore points before installing any new programs, drivers and Windows updates.
No response from the OP so as the PC is now working the thread will be marked and closed.
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