Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

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PCHF Member
Mar 10, 2019
So ive had my pc about year and a half and over the time ive had it, it performs great on most games but for example on ac origins and more recently anthem its not keeping up at all in fps. My hardware is
Motherboard: Aorus ax 370 gaming k5
CPU: Ryzen 5 1600x
GPU: Aorus GTX 1080 8GB
RAM: 2x 16gb corsair vengance DDR4
Memory: 512gb samsung 960pro NVMe, 480GB sandisk SSD and a 1TB WDC WD 10EZEX
CPU Cooler: NZXT kraken x52

Ive tried to lower the graphics setting in game and it has no effect, it still underperforms massivley (around 55fps on low in anthem)
Ive just tried the UserBenchmark pc speed test and it says its its performing in the 53rd percentile (RAMis in the 4th percentile)
In game using my CAM overlay it says my CPU and GPU load is nowhere near 100% ( it sometimes goes above 90% but never for long)

Ive tried asking friends for help but they cant help me, im at a complete loss for what to do any help is appreciated.
Welcome to PCHF CTAlex99,

Couple of questions if I may;

What is the brand and model name or number of the PSU.

Do you have the same problem if you play games direct from disk.
Thanks for the reply
my power supply is a corsair rx750 and i dont use any direct disk games, i only seem to have an issue with more demanding games, i played destiny 2 a lot and i had absolutley no isses for example
my power supply is a corsair rx750

I don't feel that this is PSU related but are you sure about the PSU details, not aware of any RX Corsair PSUs.

Use the free versions at the following two links.
Stress test your GPU with Furmark
Check your FPS with Valley

You are welcome btw :)
yeah my bad its a cx750
Furmark : min fps 117, average fps, 117, max fps 119 (on the preset 1080p stress test)scored 7043
Valley: FPS 89.8, score 3758, min FPS 26.5, max FPS 144.7.
Can I ask which of the three drives has Windows on it, reason I ask is because M2 devices can affect the performance of PCI-E slots and SATA ports, have you checked your MB user manual for any such limitations.

The following is for info purposes only atm.

Not an appropriate PSU for a gaming rig and if you check the Corsair info here they actually state the following;

CX750 PSUs deliver the power needed for medium specification home or office PCs that do not have high numbers of components, while also offering high energy efficiency and low noise.

Any computer that has an anywhere near half decent video card should have a minimum of a Gold efficiency rated and adequately powered PSU from a proven brand, the better the brand and the PSU the longer the warranty, anything less than 7 or 10 years I wouldnt use.

The CX 750 should power your system without issue when not under a heavy load but not too sure about how it would cope with prolonged/demanding gaming, Im no expert when it comes to FPS but your results do look a bit low, did both tests complete without any stutter etc.
My windows is on my sandisk SSD.

You make a good point with the PSU but it was an emergecy buy 2 weeks ago due to my other power supply dying on me. i did experience the same issues before changing to a different PSU. In the past when tring to increase the voltage to my CPU and GPU my computer froze and had to do a restart do you think this is also due to my power supply not being a high enough quality?

Furmark completed with no isses but i did notice some stuttering on valley.
i did experience the same issues before changing to a different PSU.
Was the Samsung 960 Pro NVMe also in use on the machine.

In the past when tring to increase the voltage to my CPU and GPU my computer froze and had to do a restart do you think this is also due to my power supply not being a high enough quality?
Looking at the reviews for the MB most likely not, overclocking/overheating problems seems to be a problem with this board, see the 1 egg reviews here

I suggest that you stop any overclocking and by restoring the MBs default factory settings in the BIOS, they are sometimes listed as "most stable" or "optimised settings"

If you got some stuttering with Valley it goes some way to rule out the internet connection when you are gaming, we will take a look at the temps and voltages at some point.
Yes the 960 Pro was on the machine.

When I was in the bios the only option I found that looked related was in the save and exit tab saying 'load optimized defaults' do you think that's what I'm looking for.
Also found that windows was booting for my 960 pro
Yes the 960 Pro was on the machine.
Also found that windows was booting for my 960 pro
It's a pity that Windows is on the 960 Pro as it means that we cannot do the test that I was going to suggest which was to remove the 960 Pro from the MB to see if your FPS improved.

Load optimised defaults is the option that you want in the BIOS.
There is not much that you can do other than test the computer to see how it behaves using the default settings, any repeat of the issue, do the following for us;

Download Speedfan and install it. Once it's installed, run the program and post here the information it shows. The information I want you to post is the stuff that is circled in the example picture I have attached.
If you are running on a vista machine, please go to where you installed the program and run the program as administrator.


(this is a screenshot from a vista machine)

So that we have a comparison to Speedfan, download, run and grab a screenshot of HWMonitor (free).

To capture and post a screenshot;

Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area CTRL + on on it to your it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... after typing in any response you have... click on Upload a File to add the screenshot.

Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.
Ive downloaded both SpeedFan and HWMonitor in speedfan theres only GPU HD1 HD0 and HD2 in the right side of the circle you sent me, am i setting it up right and what would you like me to screenshot you from the HWMonitor
Please expand HWMonitor to full screen and only use the steps that I included for capturing and uploading the screenshots, we cant see all of the information if its done any other way.

Edit to add: Its just the bottom of the HWMonitor screenshot that is missing.
Thanks (y)

Temps and voltages are fine but I would suggest that you keep a check on them when you are gaming, use HWMonitor for this and feel free to uninstall Speedfan as you see fit.

Looks like you are getting low on free storage space on the C: drive where Windows lives, another job for you;

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
There is more than one thing that looks off about the computer, to begin with can I ask who built this computer, who installed multiple AV programs and if the computer is a year and half old how come Windows is shown to have only been installed on 25/02/2019, there is also the matter of the Total AV garbage which is best explained by Metallica here

There is a fair bit of work to do and not enough hrs in the day as I have an early start in the morning, I will wait on your feedback for this reply then take it from there.

Edit to add: If you have any problems uninstalling Total AV I will ask for a security expert to take a look for you.
I built the computer physically but a family member whos had experience in the past helped me pick the parts, as for the windows i have no idea i think the 25th is the last time i did a windows update.

As for total av i bought it last weekend as my last antivirus software ran out.

I also have work tomorrow so i cant be on for much longer but i can get on during the week a little, if you dont mind giving me a hand id really appreciate the help.
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