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Well with how old the computer is, personally IMO the computer is not really worth fixing because it is running Windows Vista which is only going to be supported for less than a year with security updates.

If money is really tight then you could buy a replacement hard drive, buy a copy of Windows 7 and then install Windows 7 from scratch on that machine and it should work ok assuming that the drivers are compatible with Windows 7.

Its either replace the hard drive and install Windows 7 on that computer or get a whole new machine. What do you think you want to do?
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just let's me go to the setup utility.
Have you set the date and time to today's date?
Because it was in storage, chances are good that the CMOS battery is dead.

Go through the setup, save the changes and see if Windows will boot.
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Go into the BIOS and look under the Drives sections and post the following screen shots. They are not in Post #3.
This should be the HDD and or the DVD

Have you or any one else made any changes to the BIOS at all?
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