Solved MSI GE76 Raider 11UH freezes when in MSHybrid Graphics mode

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was the laptop doing this from day one?
In fact it was but I blame it to the outdated bios, driver, windows update and quickly switched to discrete mode.
And since I`ve missed the 14 day return policy and the service will take up to a month decided to keep it for the holidays. I have had similar problem in the past with same configuration(Intel + Nvidia) and it was the drivers/windows update.

could this be a warranty job?
Sure, but I wanted to avoid this if I can.

Elevating the laptop does have a positive effect on cooling and this one gets really hot while gaming so I`m in a prosses of searching for an active cooling pad.

As for you worries for overheating the CPU is actually poorly handled in terms of cooling(only 2 heat pipes) in favor to the GPU. So it`s prone to overheating but I`ve tried to run it with turbo boost off were it barely reached 70+ Celsius and freezing again. It also happens on idle so unlikely.

Thank You
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