Solved Mouse inputs sticking/not working when pressed

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PCHF Member
Feb 20, 2023
I’ve been having issues with my mouse buttons either not responding when I press or being registered as staying held down when it’s not. I thought it was my old mouse (reddragon) so I bought a razor viper ultimate but the problem is still happening so it has to be an issue with my computer. I’ve tried updating my pc, mouse drivers, bios, switching ports, upgrading to windows 11, uninstalling and reinstalling the device. Not sure what else could be the issue. sorry i didnt see the reply on the last one and it got disabled. this is also on desktop.
what happens when the PC is booted in Safe Mode?
what about if you create another login account and log in under that profile?
what happens when the PC is booted in Safe Mode?
what about if you create another login account and log in under that profile?
It looks like the problem doesn’t occur when I use a different profile. Any ideas how I can fix this on my main profile?
if the issues doesn't happen under another profile, then it's something that only starts under your profile.
check the scheduled tasks and startup items to see what is getting started when the PC boots with your login account.

you can see both lists by using msconfig and task scheduler but (if you are a beginner) it can be easier to use CCleaner by Piriform. In CC, under Tools, Startup, there is the Windows tab and Scheduled Tasks tab and you can untick things easily.
if the issues doesn't happen under another profile, then it's something that only starts under your profile.
check the scheduled tasks and startup items to see what is getting started when the PC boots with your login account.

you can see both lists by using msconfig and task scheduler but (if you are a beginner) it can be easier to use CCleaner by Piriform. In CC, under Tools, Startup, there is the Windows tab and Scheduled Tasks tab and you can untick things easily.
this is what those look like
for starters, I would untick in Scheduled Tasks - AMDRyzen and LittleBigMouse
and in the Windows tab, untick - AvRepair, WonderShare, SteelSeriesGG

others in both lists are not needed but shouldn't be causing mouse issues.

if stopping those few doesn't help, untick them all and add them one by one, reboot each time, until the issue repeats, then you have your culprit.
for starters, I would untick in Scheduled Tasks - AMDRyzen and LittleBigMouse
and in the Windows tab, untick - AvRepair, WonderShare, SteelSeriesGG

others in both lists are not needed but shouldn't be causing mouse issues.

if stopping those few doesn't help, untick them all and add them one by one, reboot each time, until the issue repeats, then you have your culprit.
its looks like that worked! thanks for the help
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