Mouse broken or a virus?

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PCHF Member
Jun 25, 2018
So basically my mouse has been acting up so it has started to glitch, for example if I try to open a drop down box it will automatically glitch, with the side bar which you use to scroll down it doesn't allow me to continuously scroll down and on certain software it won't let me select certains stuff i.e. on FL studio, so I tried using a different mouse but it still has the same problem and then I uninstalled and reinstalled drivers and nothing changed. I recently did install FL so maybe I have a virus?
How does the mouse connect to the system?
What is the Operating System and version
I recently did install FL so maybe I have a virus?
Have you tried uninstalling this?
so I tried using a different mouse but it still has the same problem and then I uninstalled and reinstalled drivers and nothing changed.
Have you tried different USB ports? Not the Blue ones.
Its through USB for one mouse and bluetooth I believe for the second
Windows 10 32 bit

I installed it through torrent and just uninstalled it and restarted it but no changes and I've tried different usb ports so I'm gonna guess that I'll have to system reset it?
How does the mouse connect to the system?
What is the Operating System and version
Have you tried uninstalling this?
Have you tried different USB ports? Not the Blue ones.

Its through USB for one mouse and bluetooth I believe for the second
Windows 10 32 bit

I installed it through torrent and just uninstalled it and restarted it but no changes and I've tried different usb ports so I'm gonna guess that I'll have to system reset it?
installed FL Studio via a torrent... ?
I'll go out on a limb and say, Yes, you also installed 'something else' with that torrent. :oops:

and just to check... the mouse was fine before the FL install?
installed FL Studio via a torrent... ?
I'll go out on a limb and say, Yes, you also installed 'something else' with that torrent. :oops:

and just to check... the mouse was fine before the FL install?

Yeah a friend linked me the torrent which he used and I installed fl about a week/2 weeks ago and it was fine but this problem started occurring around yesterday/the day before and I used my AVG and mcafee to check for viruses and such but they said my system is fine so should I just system reset my thing?
So recently my mouse has been acting up, I believed it was due to a virus but after hours of checks that seems to not be the case. My mouse can't scroll using the right bar and when I press drop down boxes it automatically closes them, I then found a webpage which told me to press alt, ctrl and shift on both sides of keyboard to reset it and somehow it actually fixed my mouse but once again the problem has come back and the button trick doesn't work. I've tried using different mouses and reinstalling drivers but that doesn;t work so should I system restore or ?
I installed it through torrent and just uninstalled it and restarted it but no changes and I've tried different usb ports so I'm gonna guess that I'll have to system reset it?
Torrents are notorious for carrying corrupt/infected/hacked/ETC software.

Yeah a friend linked me the torrent which he used and I installed fl about a week/2 weeks ago and it was fine but this problem started occurring around yesterday/the day before and I used my AVG and mcafee to check for viruses and such but they said my system is fine so should I just system reset my thing?
Can sit on the system before it takes affect. Having more than on Antivirus running on your system will cause issue they will state that each other an infection. Reset is up to you would have out security team check you system before you do.
one quick test may be to start the PC in Safe Mode and see if the mouse still misbehaves.

Mouse does still misbehave but on two occasions the mouse started to function normally but if I turned off the PC and turned it back on the problem recurred
Torrents are notorious for carrying corrupt/infected/hacked/ETC software.

Can sit on the system before it takes affect. Having more than on Antivirus running on your system will cause issue they will state that each other an infection. Reset is up to you would have out security team check you system before you do.

Yeah I was thinking to back up the files then reinstall windows 10 would that most likely solve the problem?
Yeah I was thinking to back up the files then reinstall windows 10 would that most likely solve the problem?

Yes that would probably fix that,as far as any virus or malware is concerned. It would be a good idea to have those files scanned,before you do that...
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Yes that would probably fix that,as far as any virus or malware is concerned. It would be a good idea to have those files scanned,before you do that...

My only concern is idk if the issue is virus/malware because
I went through all the steps here and my mouse is still glitching

also if I reinstall windows 10 as I have windows 10 pro will I be reinstalling windows 10 pro or would it install the standards windows 10?
thank you for the help, much appreciated
When you reinstall W10, the license key is burned into the motherboard, so whatever version you have now is the version that will be installed.

I used Avg, norton, Mcafee and microsoft malicious software remover to scan the whole computer and I've used different mouses but the same glitch occurs

Don't ever use more than one real-time anti-virus. It can cause a lot more issues than you realize.
and while installing Win10, when it asks for the Product Key, answer I don't have one and when the PC is next online it'll check with the Windows servers and auto-activate for you.

the reinstall (sadly) of Win10 is no guarantee that your mouse issue will be resolved - I mean - it certainly should be, but 100%, sorry, can't give that.
and my reasoning is because it still glitches in Safe Mode.
all your scans finding nothing is not unheard of, whatever happened did it's thing and buggered off.
but for the mouse to only go pear-shaped in one activity and do it for all mouses (mice?) indicates a system file corruption and only a reload will give that warm fuzzy feeling that anything along those lines has been rectified.

so even though there is a very slim chance it may not help, it is the next logical step you have to try.
and while installing Win10, when it asks for the Product Key, answer I don't have one and when the PC is next online it'll check with the Windows servers and auto-activate for you.

the reinstall (sadly) of Win10 is no guarantee that your mouse issue will be resolved - I mean - it certainly should be, but 100%, sorry, can't give that.
and my reasoning is because it still glitches in Safe Mode.
all your scans finding nothing is not unheard of, whatever happened did it's thing and buggered off.
but for the mouse to only go pear-shaped in one activity and do it for all mouses (mice?) indicates a system file corruption and only a reload will give that warm fuzzy feeling that anything along those lines has been rectified.

so even though there is a very slim chance it may not help, it is the next logical step you have to try.

So yeah I reset my computer which took like a lifetime and for some reason the mouse issue is still occurring and how do I do a reload?
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