Missing Drivers

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PCHF Member
Sep 26, 2020
Advent Retro PC
Motherboard: MSI 865 (Intel 865 Chipset)
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3400MHz (3.4GHz) Socket 478
Memory: 768Mb RAM
OS Boot and Storage Drive: 200Gb IDE Hard Disk Drive
Optical Drive: DVD/CD x 2
Graphics Card: nVidia Geforce 6600 GT AGP
Other: Creative Sound Blaster audio (with DOS drivers)

Dual boot Windows98/XP

Do I need to worry about the following missing drivers? If so where canI download them?
Advent Retro PC
Motherboard: MSI 865 (Intel 865 Chipset)
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3400MHz (3.4GHz) Socket 478
Memory: 768Mb RAM
OS Boot and Storage Drive: 200Gb IDE Hard Disk Drive
Optical Drive: DVD/CD x 2
Graphics Card: nVidia Geforce 6600 GT AGP
Other: Creative Sound Blaster audio (with DOS drivers)

Dual boot Windows98/XP

Do I need to worry about the following missing drivers? If so where canI download them?
the ethernet controller will be needed if you want to wire it up for web access via a cable to the modem/router.
if going wireless, that too will need a driver, but is not visible in your shot.

the input controller could be many things but most likely related to an add-on card you have installed in a PCI slot, like a soundcard perhaps.

getting that PC on the web and doing a Windows Update should sort those two drivers out.
otherwise either use the motherboard driver CD or visit the motherboard manufactures website for the drivers.
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Reactions: Magicmanlee
it certainly can.
you just need something like a USB wireless adapter, costs about $30.
BUT.... getting one that still supports Win98 will very, very likely be impossible.
MS ended support for 98 in 2006 and it is now obsolete and prone to security issues.

around the Win7 era, plug and play devices really came into their own with most hardware simply needing to be plugged in and they were good to go.
Win98 was not so sexy and all hardware had to be installed either from the supplied installation CD or from visiting the manufactures website to download the drivers.
the same can be said for XP too really.

if you have to use those two OS's, you're going to struggle getting hardware to work. you'll actually be creating a world of hurt for yourself. so unless you have a particular reason, I'd a least be getting Win7, but, support for thst has also ended. :)
it certainly can.
you just need something like a USB wireless adapter, costs about $30.
BUT.... getting one that still supports Win98 will very, very likely be impossible.
MS ended support for 98 in 2006 and it is now obsolete and prone to security issues.

around the Win7 era, plug and play devices really came into their own with most hardware simply needing to be plugged in and they were good to go.
Win98 was not so sexy and all hardware had to be installed either from the supplied installation CD or from visiting the manufactures website to download the drivers.
the same can be said for XP too really.

if you have to use those two OS's, you're going to struggle getting hardware to work. you'll actually be creating a world of hurt for yourself. so unless you have a particular reason, I'd a least be getting Win7, but, support for thst has also ended. :)
I have tried finding the drivers but was unable to. Below is a screen shot of the information CPUz found.
yep - not surprised really.
with the number of systems in the world still running 98se being somewhere very close to zero, there would simply be no requirement for any hardware manufacturer to still supply drivers for 98se.
and the same can be argued for software and for XP, especially after that global attack a few years ago that was successfully because of two things; people running XP and PC's without the last security patches.
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