Laptop randomly rebooting/crashing

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PCHF Member
Jun 16, 2022
So i had problems with my laptop for a really long time. It kept crashing giving various BSOD or just rebooting without that. I've posted about this before in this thread thinking my problem is solved but it kept happening after that as well.

After a lot of time trying to use various internet guides i gave up and sent it to official Lenovo support. They apparently ran some tests and returned the laptop saying the hardware is completely ok and the crash didnt happen. I have no clue what to do now. I got the laptop returned today and i already had 1 BSOD and 2 reboots (BSOD was when i was just running windows update and the reboots happened during gaming).

What i've also noticed today is Windows Update can't seem to finish updating one particular thing, it seems pretty important. I tried manually installing it but it didn't work either. It's this update

I'm attaching everything i was told to attach in a previous post. I can't access the minidump file for some reason cause of access denied so i used a BlueScreenView program to get some details on it. Hope someone has some ideas cause i ran out of them.


Bez tytułu.png


how old is the laptop, and is it under warranty still.

I would be replacing the drive and reloading a fresh copy of Windows.
that would kill two birds.

but really, if it is happening so frequently for you, it should have also happened for the Lenovo support guys as well.
my guess is they did as little as possible!
how long did they have it for?
did they give any details of what they performed in determining it was OK?
did they charge for the service?
how old is the laptop, and is it under warranty still.

I would be replacing the drive and reloading a fresh copy of Windows.
that would kill two birds.

but really, if it is happening so frequently for you, it should have also happened for the Lenovo support guys as well.
my guess is they did as little as possible!
how long did they have it for?
did they give any details of what they performed in determining it was OK?
did they charge for the service?
Thanks for the reply.
The laptop is 1 year old and it has 1 more year of warranty.

I can't really afford buying a new drive and the guys at Lenovo did install a fresh copy of Windows.

This is a message in the service protocol:

Your Lenovo product has been inspected and thoroughly tested as part of our quality maintenance process. Unfortunately, we were unable to reproduce the described defect, therefore it is necessary to return the received device without hardware repair.

Service activities performed:
Functional check,
Extended hard drive test - success, Extended memory test - success,
Extended stress test of the graphics system and processor - success,
Checking the drivers / BIOS version and confirming that it is up to date - success,
The product works according to the technical specification? - check

(I translated the text from Polish, apologies for any mistakes)

They had it for about 2-3 weeks.

They didn't charge for anything.
OK, under warranty still, that's good.
and therefore, no need to get a new drive, that's their business if needed.
and they (apparently) reloaded Windows - it would have been a re-image of their standard operating environment, but the outcome is the same, just has all their bloatware.

I would try and write down the actual path needed in making it crash or reboot.
try and work out a pattern they can follow that would lead, more often than not, to your problem.
it's the only way they are going to come onboard.

even though they had it for 2 or more weeks, you can bet it wasn't turned on and used for that continuous time.
OK, under warranty still, that's good.
and therefore, no need to get a new drive, that's their business if needed.
and they (apparently) reloaded Windows - it would have been a re-image of their standard operating environment, but the outcome is the same, just has all their bloatware.

I would try and write down the actual path needed in making it crash or reboot.
try and work out a pattern they can follow that would lead, more often than not, to your problem.
it's the only way they are going to come onboard.

even though they had it for 2 or more weeks, you can bet it wasn't turned on and used for that continuous time.
I guess i will play with this thing for a bit and try to establish a common pattern. Now that i think about it i should've described the problem in a more detailed way to them.
Maybe recording some crashes would be a good idea, is there any way to record while using and save the recording when the crashes happen?
Here are a few things I would suggest and for you to look and and think on.

Contact them when it happens phone or email and keep a record.
Ticket Number

Run a check disk and post the results if you have and questions.

Run Check Disk

Retrieve the Check Disk Information

Like @Bruce stated you could do a reinstall and have all the bloat ware or you can do a clean install after getting the drivers form the manufactures site.
(Would suggest as last resort)

Need the make and model of the Lenovo to assist getting the proper drivers so they can be installed in the proper order.

Have you tried a clean boot?

Do you need any further help with this?
Yea i would like to do the Windows clean install and i'd like some help getting proper drivers. The laptop model is Legion 5-15ARH05H Laptop (Lenovo) - Type 82B1
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