Laptop powers up, no display, full fans, can't turn off

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PCHF Member
Aug 13, 2020
My Asus laptop came up with a screen saying Erasing Flash and then went into full fan mode and no display.

Holding the Power button down for 10 secs turns it off temporarily but then it starts up again in a few seconds with fans on full, no display.

I've had to disconnect power and let the battery run out.

Tried holding down F2 then power - still no display but shut down happens faster. Tried other F keys with no change.
Popped it open with no obvious issues. Removed drive temporarily to see if bios would come up but no change.

Asus GL502VS-DB71 Strix laptop , Windows 10, Core i7, NVidia 1070, 16GB Ram, no CD/DVD
Thanks for fast response.

Lets see if we can get to the recovery and or safe mode.
Us the From a black or blank screen section

What did the system do prior to this happening?
How long have you let it sit there turned on?
I ran through the power down and up as described. Still no display, full fans.
Note that after I hold down power for 10 seconds so it turns off, it will automatically re-power up a few seconds later.
The only way to fully power down is to unplug and let the battery go down.

>What did the system do prior to this happening?
Just had it sitting on but in auto sleep mode.

>How long have you let it sit there turned on?
A few hours
Do any lights come on?
Do they flash number and color?
Any beeping?

Do you have a way to make a bootable USB drive to see if so see if the system recognizes that.
>Do any lights come on?

Yes, power button, Caps lock red LED, Front Power light, Green battery lite flashing

> Do they flash number and color?
Battery light flashes green

> Any beeping?

>Do you have a way to make a bootable USB drive to see if so see if the system recognize
I have a USB Flash drive which should work. I have not been able to force it to access the thumbdrive.
My Asus laptop came up with a screen saying Erasing Flash and then went into full fan mode and no display.
Did you recently do a BIOS update?

When did this screen come up?

You may try disconnecting the CMOS battery

Be careful when working inside computers a simple static shock from you can brick the system.

For that to work correctly you will need to disconnect the power and battery and discharge the system the remove the CMOS battery for about 2 minutes. Reconnect the CMOS battery and everything else see if there is any change.
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