lag spikes during online games (and while streaming etc.)

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PCHF Member
Oct 23, 2017
It happens quite randomly, sometimes not at all during a 5 minute game (Rocket League), other times I will have occasional lag spikes that make the experience unbearable. I have issues with lag spikes in other games and while streaming shows sometimes as well.

I recently ran some ping checks for my Default Gateway address during a game in which I had multiple spikes:

Ping statistics for X.X.X.X:
Packets: Sent = 300, Received = 295, Lost = 5 (1% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 3ms, Maximum = 1642ms, Average = 41ms

I have also ran ping checks while doing other things and it seems to remain more stable.

My network driver is up to date, and these issues seem to happen irrespective of peak usage times in my area.
The issue extends to our PS4 as well. We are on cable broadband with Telstra in Australia.

Would upgrading our router from the one supplied be of much help? Or is it just an issue with our ISP?
What else can I do to try and pinpoint the issue?

Any help is much appreciated
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Welcome to PCHF lens,

The issue extends to our PS4 as well.

Looks like the problem that you are having is with either the service or the router, neither of which you would normally have control of unless you are allowed to use a third party router by your ISP which I am not here in the UK.

Contact your ISP Telstra and ask them to put a test on your service and when you speak to them ask about being able to upgrade your router, no point in going ahead and upgrading without speaking to Telstra, your router could be fine and their service poor.
really obvious question, but have you turned the modem off and on again?
all modems benefit from being flushed out occasionally, say once a month.
also, since you have a cable modem, they are only supplied by your ISP (in Australia) and if it is more than, say 3-5 years old, I would definitely replace it as you get the chance to not only fix a potential fault in the modem but get the latest and greatest features, especially the security and wireless technology in the new modem.
Depending on what equipment you have, and from your first post I'm thinking it is a combined modem router supplied by Telstra. What you may be able to do is bridge the modem and use a router of your choice. Do keep in mind though that newer equipment is not necessarily better, or even as good as the older stuff. I do know with Optus cable in Aus you cannot use any modem or modem/router other than that supplied by the isp. From that point on though you can use any equipment you choose downstream, and cant see why Telstra works any different.
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