The extender in the kitchen is simply a TP-Link device, plugged into a mains power socket, that somehow detects the existing WiFi from the router upstairs and extends it out into the garden. Nothing to do with data cables. So I'm unsure it really helps here.
As to what is dropping out, since mobile devices often have issues at the roughly the same time, but not necessarily exactly the same time, I figure the WiFi is dropping to each separately. Whether that's caused by glitches on the broadband side, I couldn't say, but that side has been known to drop on occasion, albeit far less regularly.
As to what is dropping out, since mobile devices often have issues at the roughly the same time, but not necessarily exactly the same time, I figure the WiFi is dropping to each separately. Whether that's caused by glitches on the broadband side, I couldn't say, but that side has been known to drop on occasion, albeit far less regularly.