High ping on only one computer. Disconnects, high DPC

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PCHF Member
May 22, 2021
I have an ASUS X556UR notebook connected to a home WiFi. Everything was fine, apart from rare disconnects (computer losing router, which I thought to be signal stength/distance issue at the time).

However 2 weeks ago my internet got a lot worse. Basically now I have occasional 2-7 seconds ping in MMO games and browser, losing connection, disconnecting and losing router in the WiFi list (reappears in few seconds). Initally I thought that it's ISP fault, then router. But other notebooks and phones have no issue while my notebook does. So I realised that the problem is in my notebook.

Windows Update and Windows Defender are off.
There were no system/driver updates/configuration changes in the last 2 weeks. I literally didn't move notebook from the table.

I tried:
  • Manual disconnect/reconnect to WiFi router
  • Reboot
  • Moving notebook closer to the router
  • Updating WiFi, sound, display drivers
  • Windows 10 "Network troubleshooter"
  • Disc and RAM scan
  • Virus scan (Kaspersky)
  • WiFi adapter settings reset
What I can't try to check or use as a solution:
  • Connect to the router via cable (lack of cable)

I tried to Google and found the LatencyMon program. Here are the results. I can try to collect more info if you need it.
One: https://pastebin.com/KNPg6WAV
Two: https://pastebin.com/vr2F4WcX
Does the same thing happen if you are connected to the router via cable?

Might also change the channel that the signal is being transmitted on there may be other WiFi signals that are interfering.
Does the same thing happen if you are connected to the router via cable?
Can't check atm (no cable)

Other notebooks and phones have no issues with ping. So it's not related to WiFi channel or router.
You will should get a cable to see if the same thing happens or not.

  • WiFi adapter settings reset
Using what steps.

Please download MiniToolBox and save it to your desktop. Run the program by right clicking on it and selecting Run as administrator. When the program opens select the following boxes:

Flush DNS
Report IE Proxy Settings
Reset IE Proxy Settings
Report FF Proxy Settings
Reset FF Proxy Settings
List content of Hosts
List IP Configuration
List Winsock Entries
List last 10 Event Viewer Errors
List Installed Programs
List Devices (Only Problems)
List Users, Partitions and Memory size

and PASTE the complete information for the MTB.txt file into you next post.

Open an Administrator Command Prompt and put in the following command
ipconfig /all >"%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\%USERNAME%_ipconfig.txt"

COPY and PASTE the information into the next post.
Additional info: I noticed that during lag spikes my sound and mouse cursor stutter and jump as well.

Using what steps.
Network troubleshooter reset my WiFi adapter settings.
Then I did this:
netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
Also I must admit I have a pirated Windows 10. Basically when my HDD failed I wasn't able to save my initial OEM Windows 10 key and service installed me a pirated Windows 10 Pro. And yeah yeah I'm a bad horrible person but I literally don't have money right now to buy licensed copy or new notebook.

MTB - Keep in mind, my system is in Russian (Cyrillic) and apparently MTB doesn't like it. If you need translation, I will provide it.
Also I must admit I have a pirated Windows 10. Basically when my HDD failed I wasn't able to save my initial OEM Windows 10 key and service installed me a pirated Windows 10 Pro. And yeah yeah I'm a bad horrible person but I literally don't have money right now to buy licensed copy or new notebook.
Since this is a pirated version of windows we can not assist any further.

3. Discussion of or promotion of sites offering cracks, warez, torrents, pornography or any other illegal material or any software created to download any of the above will result in an immediate ban. This includes nulled, copied or any other illegal software or operating systems.
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