Help with Error Message

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No problem, I’ll have a look at these later on. How is the machine running now? much smoke. Firefighters running away

(ps what I was picturing as I ran the stranger-danger "fix")


Download Autoruns and Autorunsc Unzip it to your desktop and then right click

Run as Admin.
After the scan is finished then click on File----Then click----Save
The default name will be autoruns.arn make sure to leave it this way.
Attach the file in your next reply.
If the file is too large, then use or and send the link in your next reply.
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Feels like the old girl boots faster.
A few "admin" niggles here and there - no problem to fix.
Still clearing some clutter that won't necessarily show up under scans.
Adware was asking about a Winsock reset? No idea...
Defender now off. Panda can get quite unruly - grabbing exe's and what not. Already doing more than AVG who just pushed pop ups. So far so good.
As for Autoruns - that link flashes and disappears - Panda again, me thinks haha
Either way, I found a link, got it, ran it and got the .arn. However, when I open it, it's blank, ie just the tabs, no info.
Downloaded Autoruns has a number of .exe's - autorunsc 64a, 64, plain (just exe) and autoruns 64a, 64, plain. I ran two different ones and both were blank.
The attach tool also does not "see" the .arn file. "I plead stupid, your honour".
Upload the .arn to one of the sites i mentioned, and then send the link. You won’t be able to open the .arn unless you drag and drop it onto autruns.

If you can not use catbox or other site to upload the file, the try and zip it prior to uploading.

Let me know if you need further instructions
Still clearing some clutter that won't necessarily show up under scans.


Decrap my computer it's an outdated software, but works fine with windows 7, you might be surprised at what you find with this tool. Do not run in fully auto mode.

Adware was asking about a Winsock reset? No idea...

Not needed.
Got it.

Then I almost forgot about this bad boy. Usually pops up after restart, even after the latest restarts.
Then it popped up out of nowhere.
The MS Visual C++ is the latest version. I had a problem earlier today where the game would not fire because it was looking for a .dll
file, even though the **** file was right there - in both sys32 and syswow64. One internet solution was to update the C++ so I got the latest
but it still would not work. And the game was made for W7 this time....
Then this guy showed up. So, I'm wondering if this is related to some of the troubles I've had. it does not seem to affect anything obvious...


Hey there. Did the above.
That pop up did come back after I thought we had killed it. The context was a bit strange though.
Since updating Radeon software my xbox controller has been seriously acting up. So I uninstalled
it. Yeah, bad idea. PC looked like a minecraft picture because it uninstalled the $$%%% graphics card.
So after finally getting it all back I switched as much off in the software as I could. Then when bringing
up controller, it crashed the runtime, visual, c++ thingamajig. Also getting a strange little pop that I've never seen.
"There was a problem sending the command to the program." (??)
Not sure if all this relevant but I thought I'd put it out there.
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