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PCHF Member
Feb 24, 2019
I was going on a hollyday so i thought the best thing to do was to turn off the pc and take the plug out, i cant remember to turn the switch at the powersupply off (if this might be usefull). When i came back, wich was yesterday, i plugged in my computer, turned it on sat down and waited. but the windows symbol with the rolling dots was not comming to an end i noticed. and usually my pc uses up to 15 secounds to start, i restarted the pc several times, i even tried resetting the BIOS, but did not work. i waited hours at the loading screen, but nothing happened, so i came to a risky conclusion to restore my pc, back to factory settings. i started my pc windows symbol loading screen pops up after waiting a while a blue screen pops up saying:

"Your pc ran into a problem and needs to restart, we'll restart for you.

Contact blablabla for help.


i did not know what to do so i let it automaticly restart, after waiting 10 mins on the loading screen same thing popped up. so im sitting here today really want to play some games but cant because of this xxxxxxx windows 10.

Things you should know about my pc:
  • i can access BIOS (little knowledge about this, only overclock and so on).
  • its a custom pc
  • has one 2TB HDD that is working at 100% and has nothing on it (its unplugged)
  • i have tried clearing cmos and bios, by using the pins and by taking the little battery out
  • EVGA 980Ti 6GB (watercooled)(Was oc)
  • MSI Z87-G43
  • WD 2.0TB HDD
  • WD 2.0TB HDD (Unplugged)
  • INTEL I7 4770K 3.5GHz (Was oc)
  • XFX PRO 750W
  • COOLER MASTER (Air CPU cooling)
Edit: bad language removed
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I got something, i think i fixed it, but i dont know exacly yet because i have not installed windows yet, ill update when i do and come home. but, i think it's something because of all the driver watchdog bluescreens ive seen it has something to do with the HDD or the SDD most likely the main disk. Ive been looking around in the BIOS and found a SATA option that was on AHCI and i changed it to IDE, and it seems to have fixed my problem, now i need to install windows 8 and then to windows 10. RECOMANDED TO DO IF YOU HAVE THIS PROBLEM!!!!
You do not really need to install Windows 8 you can just install Windows 10.
Yeah im trying but its in a loop, when ive selected the disk i want my windows on it complete the tasks and after that it "reboots" and goes straight to the installation again
Have you reset the BIOS back to factory?
Checked to make sure that the drive that you are installing Windows on is listed in BIOS?

After the installation completes and it reboots you are not touching any key on the keyboard?

When doing the install did you have it delete all of the partitions since one may be corrupt and this will have windows recreate all of them.

Trying to clarify information.
and goes straight to the installation again
When you state this is it going to this screen


or this screen or one similar to one of the following.

4518 4519
Have you reset the BIOS back to factory?
Checked to make sure that the drive that you are installing Windows on is listed in BIOS?

After the installation completes and it reboots you are not touching any key on the keyboard?

When doing the install did you have it delete all of the partitions since one may be corrupt and this will have windows recreate all of them.

Trying to clarify information.

When you state this is it going to this screen

View attachment 4517

or this screen or one similar to one of the following.

View attachment 4518 View attachment 4519
Its simular to the top
What media are you using to install Windows 10 USB or DVD?
Then make sure the Drive is showing in BIOS
Reset BIOS to factory
Try the reinstall and delete all the partitions then do the install.

If that does not work then there is a possibility that he HDD is or has failed

has one 2TB HDD that is working at 100% and has nothing on it (its unplugged)
What happens if you put this drive in place of the one that you are installing to and tried installing windows to it?
@Bruce @phillpower2 @gus any other suggestions.
What media are you using to install Windows 10 USB or DVD?
Then make sure the Drive is showing in BIOS
Reset BIOS to factory
Try the reinstall and delete all the partitions then do the install.

If that does not work then there is a possibility that he HDD is or has failed

What happens if you put this drive in place of the one that you are installing to and tried installing windows to it?
@Bruce @phillpower2 @gus any other suggestions.
i use usb for now, but same thing happened when i tried to install win 8 in a dvd. ill try to reset the bios, and yes i selected the usb as first boot and secound as hard drive, because none of my hdds or sdds shows up in there,
So, you have 4 hard drives, can I suggest you try and keep this simple.

Remove all drives except the drive you wish to install Windows on. The Samsung SSD woulds be a good choice.
Reset your bios to default.
DO NOT install Windows 8 and then upgrade it to 10, just do a fresh install of 10.
So, you have 4 hard drives, can I suggest you try and keep this simple.

Remove all drives except the drive you wish to install Windows on. The Samsung SSD woulds be a good choice.
Reset your bios to default.
DO NOT install Windows 8 and then upgrade it to 10, just do a fresh install of 10.
I'll try using the samsung ssd, but its weird because i don't think it shows up in the windows install program, i think it shows it but it only says 900 MB... I've tried to nuke the disks (means using DBAN. it clears the whole disk completely.
i think it shows it but it only says 900 MB
Then why do you say in your post number 1 that the Samsung SSD is 256GB?

Again suggest you DISCONNECT all other drives..

BTW there is no need to Quote ALL previous posts, it just makes the thread messy and confusing.
ok. yeah the Samsung SSD is 256GB but in the windows installation it says its around 900MB. Now why is that i dont know, and yeah ive tried disconnecting all the other drives, but since the Samsung SSD only show 900MB it wont put windows on it. so tomorrow ill try to use the kingston 128GB SSD and see if that works. if not ill try to put in my old motherboard and cpu and see if i can use them to install windows on to the drive.
Breach of Rules
I got this pc used with a XFX AMD HD 7970 3GB and a MSI Z87-G43 just like the one i have, and everything else is just like it is now, but when i was going through my cpu (because it was around 90 celsius) it turned out to be the old paste, so i got new paste and took out the cpu cleaned it and put it back with the air cooler, so i turned on my pc and it was not booting just a black screen with code in the bottom right saying "A2". It turned out that i had bendt some of my motherboard cpu socket pins, i tried bending those that where bendt but no success. tried to hot swap the sicked with extreme heat, but no success, so i bought a used motherboard with a old "crappy" AMD FX6300 that i managed to overclock to 4.3GHz with around 70 celsius with cpu stress test. I got a used MSI Z87-G43 that is just the same as i had before, then installed my I7 4770K onto the motherboard then plugged and played. so that was successful but i now wonder if the swapping might have affected the drivers, or windows. because when the swapping happened i did not reinstall anything i just plugged in and played, don't know if there is any other way to swap a motherboard, if there is and i might have up this with the swapping tell me. Whats weird in that case if this is the cause of the problem then why did the pc break down now when it has been over 4-5 months since the swapping back to a MSI Z87-G43 back.

I should also mention that when i wanted to overclock the I7 4770K on the motherboard i have now. it showed 127 celsius nonstop on "speedfan" havent tested any other programs, but i know it never was at 127 celsius because i checked it with my fingers. So i gave up on overcklocking it because i wanted to know how hot my CPU really was when overclocking so i would not kill it. I guess the temperature meter is dead or messed up.

Edited to removed foul language
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