Help! Trying to set up dual monitors to laptop

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PCHF Member
Jan 30, 2021
I have a HP 14-ce3510sa laptop (i5) and have bought two Samsung monitors which I am trying to connect.
The laptop has an HDMI output, USBC and 2 x USB slots. The monitors each have a VGA and HDMI port.
I have managed to get one monitor set up by connecting the HDMI cable directly from monitor to laptop. Easy.
However, I can't for the life of me get the second monitor to connect and extend. I was able to connect it by using an HDMI extender, but then the two monitors just mirrored each other - but I want them to operate independently.
So I bought a USBC-HDMI cable and have that plugged in, but I get a pop-up on my laptop leading me to a USB troubleshooting page but nothing on there works.
I've seen youtube videos where people have bought extenders which plug into the USBC on the laptop, but I don't want to buy one because it seems that my laptop can't connect to a monitor via the USBC?
Any help here would be much appreciated!!
Go into settings
Select System
Select Display on the left
Scroll down to the bottom
Under Multiple Displays drop that down and select Extend These Display

Another option that you can try is use the Windows key + P to cycle through the displays
Thanks Rustys. I've done this for one monitor (through HDMI port) and it works. However, the second monitor (through USBC port on laptop to HDMI on monitor) isn't detected by the laptop. I spoke to MS support and they were just as confused as me - they kept saying I might need a software to make it work through the USBC port??
Here are a couple of links that may help.
Tech Talk: Using USB-C and DisplayPort over Alt Mode | StarTech.Blog
How to choose a USB-C monitor | BenQ US

I can't for the life of me get the second monitor to connect and extend. I was able to connect it by using an HDMI extender, but then the two monitors just mirrored each other - but I want them to operate independently.
However, the second monitor (through USBC port on laptop to HDMI on monitor) isn't detected by the laptop.
It is or is not working even if is is mirrored?
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