Solved Graphics Card Problems -- PLEASE HELP!

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I haven't made this change yet. I was also considering reinstalling Windows and was hoping for some additional guidance first.
Other may have more information and questions.

Then do it and if there is onboard graphic capabilities then the system would work.

Yet if the system is moving a slow as you state it is a fresh install would help.

Remember to remove any USB device except for the mouse and keyboard..

Back up any personal data like pictures, documents, ETC...

Have you tried the system in safe mode and does the same thing happen?

When you replaced the graphics card did you remove the old drivers before installing the new ones?

Did you remember to discharge you and the computer before installing the card?

Have you attempted a clean boot?
I have tried many of your suggestions, but have not yet attempted the Windows reinstall. Unfortunately, I have some critical activities during the next week or so and can not afford to be without my PC. Since there's always a chance that the reinstall will cause an even larger problem than I'm currently experiencing, I'll need to wait a bit before attempting the reinstall.

Since I realize that you can't keep problems like mine open, I completely understand if it's necessary to close my thread. If that's the case, I want to thank everyone who shared their ideas. Every suggestion was definitely a well-informed possibility, even if my issues still exist. I really appreciate the excellent input.
I have reinstalled windows 10 and SO FAR things look good!!!

Thank everyone again. Your suggestions were great and, frankly, if I hadn't known I had your support I doubt that I would have had the nerve to do the reinstall.
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