Gaming Laptop Won't Use Dedicated GPU

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PCHF Member
Oct 24, 2022
I recently bought a Lenovo Ideapad Gaming 3. It has a 3050ti GPU and AMD Ryzen 5000 series CPU with Radeon Graphics. I didn't initially notice while playing the first few games, but when Plage Tale: Requiem dropped I bought it and wanted to run it pretty high. Thats when I noticed the lap top was trying to run it with the integrated Radeon Graphics instead of the dedicated GPU. I've done everything the internet has. Is there possibly something I'm missing. After a while its finally starting using my GPU up to 100% with some games open, but the integrated graphics are still running at like 60% and my CPU is running at 100% all while my frames are tanking on absolutley low graphics... on the main menu. Here's everything I have done.

1. NVIDIA Control Panel and set it to the NVIDIA Card as well as any games I have.
2. Graphics in my display settings and set each game to the GPU there.
3. Updated GPU Driver. Uninstalled it and updated it again.
4. Changed my Power settings to High Performance
5. checked the BIOS. but I only have an option for Switching Cards and UMA so I left it on switchin
6. Updated my PC, and updated it to windows 11
7. and whatever else. As well as contacted Lenovo support, let them remotely control my computer. All she did was disable some startup process and download a power manager. Then submitted a ticket. nothing fixed.
can the onboard graphics be disabled in BIOS?
and the 3050ti be given more memory allocation? (all depending on how's it shown in BIOS)
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