Solved Games Minimizing to Desktop or Crashing

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No worries, took a bit longer getting there but you have now effectively ruled out both bad RAM and/or DIMM slots.

Before we move on can you do the below for us;

Can you let us know if you have done any gaming and if so did you have any problems.

Post a new Speccy url for us if you will.
Excellent that's good news, also i did game twice recently.

1. On the morning that I tested the 2 sticks, i played for around 30 mins with no issues, however that's not long enough to provoke a crash usually, i can confirm though that the game didn't minimise at 7.29 am as it used to.

2. I played again with the 4 sticks after yesterday's update, this was a long session of a full race on F1 23, again no issue and this would usually crash.
However I have occasionally had successfully full races in the past so il need to continue testing that this week.

I'm off work until Monday so I can test thoroughly through the week and provide updates.
Will provide a speccy as soon as I'm at the PC later, updating this via mobile currently.
Hi there, apologies for the wait. Up to date Speccy as requested:

I had another successful long gaming session over the weekend with no crashes or issues. This time i played for a few hours longer than usual and all was good. I'd say more or less resolved. I'd like to wait until tomorrow morning before requesting closure just to confirm the minimising issue, iv only had chance to use the PC 1 single time before 7.29AM so would just like to simulate it another time in the morning to be 100%, if thats ok.

Just 1 more final question on this subject, obviously with XMP off, my ram is only running at 2133MHZ. As pointed out earlier, my CPU is capable of 3200. Can i manually set the RAM speed to 3200 WITHOUT using XMP, to get the maximum performance from it? Or should i just leave it all alone?

Really appreciate all your help so far.
Just 1 more final question on this subject, obviously with XMP off, my ram is only running at 2133MHZ. A

That in itself is weird as the SPD of the RAM that you have means that it should work at 1333MHz which equates to 2666MHz in dual channel, you can confirm this for yourself here

Manually OCing past 2666MHz will mean that you will also need to increase the voltage, suggest that you try 3000MHz and 1.35V first, try that for a while and if all good ratchet the speed up to 3200MHz and see how you get on with that.
That in itself is weird as the SPD of the RAM that you have means that it should work at 1333MHz which equates to 2666MHz in dual channel, you can confirm this for yourself here
Hmm, that is odd. Maybe this is an error on my part, I grabbed the figure from task manager just after booting up the PC.

Either way, final update time. I upped the voltage as you suggested to 1.35v and had no issues on benchmarks or gaming at 3000, same again at 3200MHz. All stable, no issues. I'm more than happy with the results.

To summarise:
- My games crashing and BSODs were due to lack of research choosing my RAM kit and incorrectly using the XMP profile.

- The minimizing issue was caused by my scheduled tasks, CC cleaner Crash reporting to be specific.
It seems that process was grabbing focus over everything else running on the PC for the split second it began.

I'm happy for this to be closed and marked as resolved now.

Huge thanks to Phillpower2 for the continued input, and also to Malnourished for the help provided earlier in the thread. I appreciate it big time.
Glad that we were able to help and thank you for both the summary and for letting us know that all is now well with your computer.

You are most welcome btw :)
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