Solved Games freeze and stop responding

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PCHF Member
Jul 14, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Hey all, been searching around but can only find similar issues and would prefer a response given to me rather than me reading off someone elses:
So I custom built my own PC, and for a little while I never noticed any issues, but now when I am playing computer games, the game might freeze and I'll have to force close it via Task Manager. It is a very inconsistent issue as I could play for 40 minutes to 1 hour without it ever happening, and sometimes it might just occur 20 minutes in through a game session, but most of the time it is around the 30 minutes make, give or take. I have formatted the hard drive and reinstalled Windows 10 to see if that was the issue (as I installed some custom skins and addons, so wondering if those were the issue), used CCleaner to look through registry errors, used CoreTemp and noticed no significant heat use (stayed around 30 degrees Celsius), corresponded errors to when the issue would occur (eg 2:57, would look through all events for anything that occurred at 2:57 and saw if it was an error or not, only thing I could find was DCOM errors where I would go into registry - give permission - gain access to RuntimeBroker etc, but that didn't seem to fix the issue). Have had the PC since April and cannot recall the first time it happened.

Intel Core i5 7500 | 3.4 GHz CPU Processor
Graphics Card: ASUS GeForce GTX 1070 DUAL 8GB
Motherboard: Gigabyte Z170-HD3
Installed RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x 8GB) DDR4 3200MHz
Storage: SanDisk SSD Plus 240GB | Toshiba HDD 2TB
Power Supply: Corsair VS550
Another error I found that was written down ~ around when the issue happens is "Event ID 37" which doing a quick google search around has something to do with the CPU processors
*Just realised that there was a new BIOS update that came out in the past 2 weeks (when this issue first occurred a couple months back there wasn't one, so going to install that now - but still going to post this in advance due to timezones and seeing if anyone has anything to comment or have had similar issues)
*EDIT: BIOS update did not fix it, hopefully you guys can help out :)
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Hello folks,

Temps may be ok but we should check the PSU voltages;

Please take expanded screenshots and only use the method below to attach them.

Download Speedfan from here and install it. Once it's installed, run the program and post here the information it shows. The information I want you to post is the stuff that is circled in the example picture I have attached.

If you are running on a vista machine, please go to where you installed the program and run the program as administrator.


(this is a screenshot from a vista machine)

Download then run HWMonitor and post a screenshot so that we have a comparison to the Speedfan results, details from here

To capture and post a screenshot;

Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area CTRL + on on it to your it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... Click on the Upload a File tab then after typing in any response you have... click on Post Reply like you normally would.

Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.
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No PSU readings in either program which is not helpful, please see below;

Please restart your computer and check the temperatures/voltages in the BIOS, no screenshot is required just make a note of the +3.3V, +5V and the +12V readings and post them with your next reply.

NB: BIOS voltage readings.

The readings are not conclusive in the BIOS as the computer is under the least amount of load, if they are higher or lower than what they should be though it does normally suggest a PSU problem.

Other observations from your screenshots that may or may not reflect on the issue that you are having;

Speedfan reports high CPU usage for a computer that is not under any load.
Your RAM is max rated at 3200MHz but the CPU memory controller is only compatible at speeds up to 2400MHz, see info here your CPU cannot be OCd but if the MB is automatically OCing your RAM it could be tripping the CPU up.
Your RAM requires 1.35V but if you look at the vin readings in HWMonitor which is where the memory voltage is reported there is nothing reading at 1.35V, this means that your RAM is either not getting enough or is getting too much voltage.

When you check for the PSU voltages can you also look for something along the lines of restore factory defaults, most stable setting or load optimised settings, let us know what you find before changing anything there please.
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Might just list everything I see there, trying to provide as much info:
: 3601.18MHz
BCLK: 100.04MHz
Temp: 28.0 C
Voltage: 1.056V
2134.37 MHz (what you said before| Support for DDR4 3466(O.C.) /3400(O.C.) /3333(O.C.) /3300(O.C.) /3200(O.C.) /3000(O.C.) /2800(O.C.) /2666(O.C.) /2400(O.C.) /2133 MHz memory modules - only up to 2133 unless I O.C to the 2400, which I have not done so) : 16384MB - I understand this, but when picking parts, someone said it should be fine as the motherboard just won't allow the full extent of the RAM (so sort of overkill to get them unless OC)
Ch A/B Volt: 1.188V
There is no +3.3V listed
+5: 5.040 V
+12: 12.096 V

EDIT: Just saw about looking for Stable / Factory settings - will look into that now, cheers for the assistance btw
EDIT 2: Found a 'Load Optimised Default' setting, but it gave no information on what it was changing just a simple "Yes" or "No" for me to change it
Looked though Power and found a Platform Power management that was disabled [AC Back: Disabled, - don't know what that is]
Looked through M.I.T Voltage control:
DRAM Voltage (CH A/B):
Auto | 1.200V
DRAM Training Voltage (CH A/B): Auto | [blank]
DDRVPP Voltage (CH A/B): Auto | 2.500V
DRAM Termination (CH A/B): Auto | 0.600V
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CPU looks ok.

The native setting for the RAM without it being OCd is 2133MHz, yours currently running marginally higher but not as much as to cause issues imo, is there an auto OC setting in the BIOS, if yes, try disabling it at some point.

The +5V and +12V readings look ok but as mentioned may change dramatically when the computer is put under load.

Your edit info noted and you are welcome :)
The native setting for the RAM without it being OCd is 2133MHz, yours currently running marginally higher but not as much as to cause issues imo, is there an auto OC setting in the BIOS, if yes, try disabling it at some point.
Is there a way to manually lock down the RAM below a point as to rule that out of the equation, even if how small it is above it?
Apologies for the poor image, mobile phone camera is a little dodgy but this is what I see in my M.I.T > memory Information
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Restoring the MBs factory default settings should do just that, this though only if nothing is faulty.

What if anything did you find in the BIOS regarding stable settings and any OCing options.
Restoring the MBs factory default settings should do just that, this though only if nothing is faulty.

What if anything did you find in the BIOS regarding stable settings and any OCing options.
Ok, found a setting in the Memory> Advanced Performance settings where I have the option of 4 presets: Relax OC, Enhanced Stability, Normal, Enhanced Performance
With 'Normal' being the default selected.
Normal is what it would normally be but it would do no harm trying Relax OC and Enhanced Stability.

Nothing mentioned about the factory default settings.
Normal is what it would normally be but it would do no harm trying Relax OC and Enhanced Stability.

Nothing mentioned about the factory default settings.
Referring to the manual, it states that:
"• After system restart, go to BIOS Setup to load factory defaults (select Load Optimized Defaults) or manually configure the BIOS settings (refer to Chapter 2, "BIOS Setup," for BIOS configurations)."
So the Load Optimised Defaults I mentioned earlier is the Factory Defaults
EDIT: Going to give 'Enhanced Stability' a shot and see if that helps out.
So the Load Optimised Defaults I mentioned earlier is the Factory Defaults
It would appear so, dont know why all BIOS cant be worded the same, with some brands of MB loading the optimised defaults is a form of OCing which most often causes instability.

If changing to 'Enhanced Stability' does not help would you be ok with removing the add on video card from the MB and trying the CPUs/MBs integrated graphics.
If changing to 'Enhanced Stability' does not help would you be ok with removing the add on video card from the MB and trying the CPUs/MBs integrated graphics.
Yeah no biggie, I set up the PC so I am fine taking out parts to troubleshoot. Just went for 40 minute game and it didn't crash so looks good so far (hopefully haven't spoke too soon ) going into my second one now.
Hmm, suggests a possible problem with Windows or the storage device that Windows is on, do you have the Sandisk dashboard program that monitors their SSDs.
I would then let us know what is reported if you will.
Ok, so good news, it is not a Graphics Card issue (from my point of view), have removed the Graphics Card and the issue was replicated exactly the same as previous (around 20-30 minutes in-game crash). Have installed Sandisk Dashboard and nothing looks irregular or 'bad' form my point of view.

EDIT: Took out my RAM sticks to check the 4 frequency values and the power needed for it (mine 16-18-18-36 and 1.35V, previous frequency values were lower) And comparing against the settings inside the set voltage to the RAM was 1.20V. I also noticed a "Memory Profile (X.M.P)" that was set on disabled, enabling that changed all my frequency and voltage values to the ones noted on the ram stick (also locked the RAM speed at 2133 for the motherboard)
Feeling good about this, so finger and toes crossed now
EDIT 2: Didn't seem to help it
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