First Ever PC Build (NEED HELP)

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PCHF Member
Apr 16, 2021
Hey everyone, so I just ordered my first ever pc build and now I need to find a monitor that my pc can maximize for gaming. I have attached what my pc part are down below. I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on what monitor would be best. I will mostly be playing COD and open world games.

AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Nvidia RTX 2060
Stock AMD Cooling Fan
16gb ram
MSI B450M motherboard
1tb Seagate 7200RPM
while I won;t give you specifics on brands as the tpoic is too subjective, what I look for in a monitor is size, contrast ratio and refresh rate - that is - large, high and fast. :)
while I won;t give you specifics on brands as the tpoic is too subjective, what I look for in a monitor is size, contrast ratio and refresh rate - that is - large, high and fast. :)
Absolutely I look for the same things, however my question is would my pc specs even be able to fully utilize the capabilities of a monitor like:

Gigabyte G27QC 27" 16:9 Curved 165 Hz Adaptive-Sync VA Gaming Monitor​

other way around I would think - that card is superior to the monitor.

card is 8K, monitor only QHD.
so while 4K and UHD are sort of comparable (one refers to professional displays and the other used for business displays), QHD is less than 4K, let alone the 8K capablity of the card.

the technology goes like this: HD > FHD > QHD > UHD.... than it gets messy with + releases between each of those, than 4K, 5K, 8K and now 16K.
Wow really??! Based on some YouTube videos and reviews of the rtx 2060 I heard I couldn’t push anything behind 1080 without dropping in FPS and quality. However it seems I was wrong or misinformed. You seem like you obviously know a lot about pc’s lol, I would love to get a little comprehensive review from you on what the exact capabilities of my pc are and how I can maximize it. Huge thank you in advance you have no idea how helpful this would be.
whoa there - thanks for the compliment, but to be honest, I am no way an expert. :)
I like to think I know a little about a lot of things, rather than knowing a lot about a few things.
broad and shallow rather than narrow and deep.

and one area I have not bothered to keep abreast of since my son left home is the gaming arena: FPS's, graphics card etc.

happy to help spec up that PC, as it is I think as it stands it will be wanting, but that depends on what games and your budget.

first up, give us the complete spec's, for example, you don't mention the power supply, and that MSI mobo, they do many variants of the B450M like the MORTAR, PRO, and GAMING models.

while the Ryzen 5 is better than the entry level processors, that one is still only a mainstream level unit, for gaming you probably should be looking at the performance ones like the Ryzen 7's or Threadrippers, but of course, budget constraints come onto play then.

you can only spec up a rig based on the games you want to play now, or are just coming out, or what you can guess is just around the corner.
spec'ing a rig on what may be required in 2 years time would be a waste. better to upgrade components as required which is why getting the base components right from the get go is important, that is, the PSU, CPU and motherboard. usually you only need to upgrade the GPU and sometimes more RAM down the track.

or get a PlayStation or Xbox. :cool:
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