Ethernet port issues

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PCHF Member
Oct 28, 2018
I game on my laptop which is windows 10 asus.It was working pretty good until the ethernet often disconnects and will connect back every 5-10 seconds and sometimes it just works perfectly fine. When it disconnects it goes to wireless and makes weird noises and my latop freezes every 5 seconds.. I get kicked out the match and is etremly annoying when i have high kils or playig with friends. I'm not that much of a tech guy but i opened my laptop and noticed that the ethernet port is loose. so i moved it closer to the place where you plug in your cable. it worked after a week and then it started making the same problems again. I have been doing this for half a year and now no matter what i do its disconnecting randmly.Using wireless makes me lag often and high ping. I have the lastest driver installed and have used different ethernet cables.I also switch my ethernet ports on my router and every computer in the house works without no issues(all on etherent) so it has to be a hardware issue. I dont want to ask my dad to buy a usb to ethernet adapter or any other stuff because he has already brought me a xbox one s (and a different ethernet cable). I cant change the ethernet port due to it being attached to the motherboard. Also, If i make a usb to ethernet cable without any adapter would it work? for instance the ethernet would go to the router and the other usb end would go into the laptop. I have an extra usb cable and another ethernet cable and can make a usb to ethernet cable. but would it work? Thank you for any help at all.
It seems that you've already diagnosed the issue fully. Ethernet port is loose, replacing laptop motherboard is not practical for this kind of problem, and a USB to Ethernet adapter is your best bet. Something like this:
i dont want to ask my dad to buy it so If i make a usb to ethernet cable without any adapter would it work? for instance the ethernet would go to the router and the other usb end would go into the laptop. I have an extra usb cable and another ethernet cable and can make a usb to ethernet cable. but would it work?
You would have to try it to find out if it works. Some router USB ports are for storage sharing rather than an actual internet connection. If you don't get an internet connection, you'll need an adapter.
You cant simply connect a USB to a network cable, so no you cant make on yourself. You will need a proper adapter. Most router USB ports are for storage devices or printers, certainly almost no chance of network connection through a router USB port.
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