Solved Enough sata cables?

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PCHF Member
Nov 17, 2020
Im wondering If ill have enough sata connections on my motherboard and powersupply

Mobo: gigabyte z390 gaming x :

cpu cooler :

3 LL120 fans + corsair commander pro:

corsair led hub:

Power supply:

1 SSD and 2 HDD

would I need to buy more sata cables if yes how many?
or change mobo or powersupply

Any help would appreciated
the mobo has 6 SATA ports.
the PSU is modular so will have plenty.

you'll need two cables for the 2 HDD and one for the SSD if it's the 2.5" type or none of it's the m.2 type as it'll go straight onto the mobo.

the mobo should come with 2 cables included.

so you'll have plenty of ports, and you may need an extra cable or two (good to have spares anyway)

Please do not start any new threads that concern the same build, ask any questions in the first thread so as not to take up helpers time while other members may have to wait for their help. thank you for understanding.
any will do - a SATA cable is a SATA cable.
they vary in length and some come with a metal sheath which is purely for cosmetics.
I’ve got another question about ram clearance. I’m getting g.skill trident z ram and I’m not sure if it will fit with my case and Aio. Would be possible to check dimensions to see if it will fit properly ?
the PSU will have plenty of power cables for the SATA devices.

as to RAM clearance, we would need to know what case you intend on using? :)
I have the 120mm NZXT Kraken cooler, the infinity mirror is a real nice touch. :)
have spent a bit of time going through the vast options till I settled on the twirling rainbow effect.

your 240mm cooler and the RAM will fit easily.
don't see why some would be saying it wouldn't.
I think its because of the size of the trident z since its kinda big, im just curious with the ram placement and the top height of the pc.
the memory goes onto the motherboard at right angles, so will be 'heading' towards the side panel, not the top one.
RAM is RAM, even allowing for RGB fluffy add-ons, it doesn't add much to the overall dimensions of the memory chip.
I still see no issue fitting RAM into that case at all.
perhaps the exact make/model of RAM would help.
Oh also speaking of ram, my ram is gonna be 3200 and my i5 9600k supports 2666. does that mean 2666 is the base or maximum.
that RAM is fine.

the mobo supports unclocked memory up to 2666, above that, like your 3200 and you have to set to mobo to use enhanced memory profiles like XMP. it should be simple to do despite a few member on hear having issues, but I have never needed to as I've stuck to non-enhanced modules to support the base speeds of the mobo.

and more memory doesn't directly correlate to a faster rig, it does mean that it can run multiple things without slowing down.
yes, the fans on the NZXT and AiO in general are changeable.
as long as the new fans have the same mounting hole locations, you'll be fine.

if you want the mobo to control fan speeds, plug them into the mobo header ports.
if you want to adjust them via a fan hub controller, they'll plug into that.
Another question I had for fan speeds, what should I put them or is there like a avg rpm to set them? and how much should i set the aio for the rpm.
i have mine set to whatever profile is that keeps the temps down.
then the inbuilt, auto speed-up feature kicks in under load to keep everything cool.
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