Solved Crashes, Crashes, Crashes, and weirdness

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It could be tomorrow (Wednesday) or on Thursday at the latest.
I'll still bring the Mobo I bought, just in case (but the plan is to change the PSU first, and the Mobo as a last resort.)

I had another crash today, but it came after some 3 hours of gaming.
850 W PSU is in the place. Could you recommand a benchmark of some sort that would run for hours?
I have Prime 95, but I'm looking for something that benches CPU+GPU for a long time.
I agree that real world tests are the only thing that matters, but what I'm looking for is something that would stress both GPU and CPU for hours while I'm out and see if my system has held it together and not crashed.
but what I'm looking for is something that would stress both GPU and CPU for hours while I'm out and see if my system has held it together and not crashed.

You should never ever do this, stress testing hardware can cause a weak PSU to pop and worse case scenario go on fire.

I had another crash today, but it came after some 3 hours of gaming.

Software such as Windows can crash and when it does crash you get a BSOD and when enabled a crash dmp is generated, programs or games when they crash can on occasion close to the desktop but the computer will still be 100% functional.

Hardware failure such as a weak power supply and/or overheating are not software related and when a computer for example suddenly turns off, freezes or the screen goes black etc the behaviour should be described as the "computer shut down unexpectedly" or froze etc and not as having crashed as the latter implies a software issue as opposed to an obvious hardware issue when described properly.

Having the correct info means that helpers will not be looking for a software issue when the problem is clearly hardware related.
Thnaks for that explanation.
Quick update : so far, so good. Didn't have time yet for long sessions of gaming, but I launched some very demanding games, such as Jedi Survivor, maxed out) and nothing bad happened.
Being that the OP revisited the forum but chose not to reply this thread will be marked and closed.
The below received via PM from Velikanka;

Hi there.
I see you closed my thread due to me not posting in spite of revisiting the forum, but I merely wanted to do additional tests to confirm my issue was def. solved, and it is.
Thanks for everything, and should you re open the thread just so I can thank everyone who helped, that'd be great.

This is an example as to why members should keep their threads updated, things can happen in life that prevent all of us from being around but when we are we should all afford each other the courtesy of an update it takes only seconds to post an update but can save hours or days of waiting for a thread to be reopened if a certain helper is not around.
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