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PCHF Member
Mar 2, 2019
I've been struggling with cpu stutters for the past few months and I've tried almost everything I could think of. I've even asked professionals about it and even they don't know what's happening. I'm stuttering in every game. It goes very smoothSTUTTERsmoothGIANT STUTTER. This started happening when I changed by 60hz monitor for a 144hz monitor. checked in-game graphs and I've confirmed my cpu and gpu is stuttering at the same time. Tried every combination in the nvidia control panel (So don't bother telling me to turn off V-sync and G-Gsync or max pre-renderframe to 1) Tried increasing cpu voltage (NO THERMAL THROTTLE BTW). Tried using different CPUs (i7 6700k and 9700k) and the problem persists. PLEASE ANYONE I'VE ASKED 6 FORUMS AND I STILL CAN'T GET ANY ANSWERS.


CPU: Intel Core i7 9700K 4.9 Ghz (Watercooled with NZXT Kraken x62)

Motherboard: Asus Maximus XI Hero (Wi-Fi)

Display: Acer Predator XB271HU 27" 1440p 144Hz G-Sync

RAM: HyperX Fury DDR4 8x2 GB



Hi MattFrags. First, are you overclocking any components? If so I would set your CPU, RAM and GPU clocks back to stock and test the issue. Does the stuttering happen with all games that you play?

Does the computer stutter when you are on the desktop or only in games?

Have you updated your motherboards BIOS to the latest version?

Have you opened up the Task Manager to ensure that your CPU or GPU are not reaching 100% usage during a game?

What power supply does your computer have?
freely admit this area is not my strong suit, but from a trouble shooting point of view, sounds like something is getting bottle-necked somewhere.
and that could be hardware or software.

so some things I would be ticking off the check list is a) are all those hardware components compatible with each other and b) does the stuttering still happen when the PC is booted into Safe Mode and c) in the games, can you play in single player mode and disconnect the network and see if anything changes.

what AV do you run?
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