chkdsk error message/memory usage

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And if mine, I'd be prioritising replacing the drive at my earliest opportunity.
I should replace the drive, too? I can't just reinstall Windows? The drive is damaged?
From what you have said regarding all the CHKDSK errors, then yes, my educated guess is the drive is to blame.
While you could reload Windows, and that would solve any file corruption caused by bad areas on the disk, it doesn't solve the fundamental issue if it is the disk at fault.
So certainly try a fresh install of Windows.
You should still be backing up your data regardless.

Once a drive even hints at something bad, I replace it. If you don't have 100% faith in them, why trust your data on them. They are cheap enough to replace on a whim these days.
All storage mediums will die eventually, and that's why we backup, to cover those unforeseen, out of the blue issues that we can't predict.
But in this case, we have been given a red flag that, if mine, I would be treating as a sign to say goodbye to the old, and in with the new.
Rob - let's close this until you have more time on your hands.
Message myself or any staff member, and we can re-open it for you. :)
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