black screen during gaming mostley.

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Will leave it with you for now but if I can make one suggestion, if there are no small children or pets around and you have a small desktop type fan, remove the side of the case and direct the cool air from the desktop fan blowing into the inside of the case and see if that helps any.
Ok thx philpower, can you advise me with a psu to replace my corsair perhaps since it looks like hes probably burned and not fit anymore :).
Would hold off on purchasing anything atm and if possible try what was suggested in my reply #21;

if there are no small children or pets around and you have a small desktop type fan, remove the side of the case and direct the cool air from the desktop fan blowing into the inside of the case and see if that helps any.
If you are able to do this and things improve it points towards something overheating.
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Hey Phillpower.

it helped a little, ive noticed the sound of the cooling stays low quite abit longer now then before. usually while gaming after 30-45 minutes the sound of my pc became quite loud. Now it takes 1.5 to 2hour before i reach the same noise volume :).

sozz for the late reply but i was on vacation .
Thanks for the update crosiss (y)

Does suggest that it is an overheating issue, problem is that we do not know if it is caused by an ageing PSU.
that might be very well the case, my pc is 5 years old now and mainly used for gaming, and since you referred that the corsair isn't that decent it might point out that direction :) .
Yep but never one to suggest that folk go spending their hard earned cash if it can be avoided.

Is there any scope for adding any more cooling fans inside the case.
i have to check that with my brother but im pretty certain there is room for extra cooling fans
The most effective cooling method is the pull/push, this involves having at least one good cooling fan in the front to draw in cool/clean air and one or two at the rear of the chassis to expel the hot air from inside of the case, good cable management is also important as it prevents turbulence and allows for the air to be drawn in and across hardware such as the HDD/s, MB, RAM and GPU etc.

Good quality PSUs also help as they have more efficient cooling fans that are not too noisy.
not yet, my brother comes over enxt week to check out my cooling fans etc. He changed his fans/cooling last year due to overheating.
I'l give an update after he checked my system to see what and how to improve the cooling vents :)
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