Solved ASRock A520M Gaming - not booting to bios

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RAM swapped to Corsair - no bleeps

Was this with the GPU in the board.

GPU installed (with Corsair) - back to 3 bleeps.

Which RAM was in the board at the time.

I tried swapping the CPU and am wondering if I was giving false information.

Please don't go off and do things on your own, troubleshooting from afar is hard enough on its own so you doing stuff that we know nothing about makes things impossible.

BIOS beeps do vary both by meaning and by BIOS vendor, three rapid BIOS error beeps commonly means bad RAM while three long = a keyboard error or bad RAM for some BIOS vendors.
Appologies -
Sorry but I need to get the other PC back together (I need it to go to grandchild -birthday week before christmas).

With all back in place (GPU, RAM CPU) except borrowed power supply.

Low and behold - no bleeps, and a 'BIOS' screen displayed. Not the full BIOS but a screen stating 'New CPU installed' and asking 'Press Y to reset fTPM' or 'Press N to keep previous fTPM'.

I presume I need to press 'Y' to restore fTPM.

I'll await your reply before I do anything else.
Thank you
Aware of what the board was and was just explaining that different brands of BIOS have different meanings for their beeps.

Only thing that I am seeing other than the BIOS update possibility is the RAM not being supported, the only 3200MHz RAM that is compatible by both your CPU and MB is the RAM here take a look at the link and a look at the memory support info for the MB here let me know if you see what I see
You post as I did ** so need to double post, what CPU is in the board now.

** There appears to be a delay between when you post and when the recipient gets it.
THe CPU is - AMD Ryzen 5 5500 6 Core/12 Thread AM4

Thank you for the info on the lack of RAM support. The only reason I chose that {Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (2x16GB) 3200MT/s DDR4} was that it was on the list of supported RAM by the retailer I got it from. I need to contact them in the morning.

In the meantime, why am I now getting the fTPM message, and should I press 'Y' to restore the fTPM? I assume that is why you want to know which CPU
So back to the original CPU.

What was the CPU that you swapped in for testing.

Have you properly cleaned off the old thermal compound and then correctly applied a fresh amount.

The only reason I chose that {Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (2x16GB) 3200MT/s DDR4} was that it was on the list of supported RAM by the retailer I got it from

The only go to for anything compatibility rated is the MB manufacturer.

Did you notice anything at the MB and RAM links that I post in my reply #24.

Correct, so again what was the test CPU that you tried.
Requires the same version of BIOS as the first CPU so should not of been tried unless the first CPU was known to have been physically damaged when installing.

Did you notice anything at the MB and RAM links that I post in my reply #24.

You never answered and it is relevant.
More to it than that so will explain, the only 3200MHz RAM that is guaranteed to be compatible with both the CPU and MB is the stuff at the link I provided, it can only be used in slots A2 and B2 and it cannot be overclocked as it is not compatible with XMP, only ASRock support could say whether or not any other RAM will work but it looks like anything XMP standard may well not.

Strange how you are now getting the TPM message and in all honesty I cannot give you a legitimate answer as to whether you choose Y or N, Y seems logical because the board is presently not doing anything as it is, your call unfortunately.
So I pressed Y
And it all booted up successfully!!!
I have no idea, 'cos all is now as built up originally but now works.
Great news and thanks for letting us know (y)

Only thing that I can think of is the CPU not being seated or detected properly, possibly causing a problem with the CPUs memory controller.

Glad you got it sorted and well done.
Tha you.
I've also learnt lessons about fully checking compatibility not just trusting supplier.
I will sort out these issues when the funds allow.
You are welcome :)

Below is some more of my canned info;

For the best and most stable performance you should where possible purchase a CPU and RAM that have been tested and approved by the motherboard manufacturer, this is referred to as the QVL ( qualified vendors list ) understand though that there are too many products released for them all to be tested so other hardware will be compatible but not proven to be by the manufacturer of the motherboard.

To keep in mind for the future, a CPU must be compatible with a MB whereas the RAM has to be compatible with both the CPU and the MB, this because a MB can be compatible with faster CPUs than the one in your list of parts and MB manufacturers often state RAM speeds that far exceed that which any compatible CPU can handle, this is misleading at the least or dishonest at worst.
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I've been building computers for many year (since 1979 -UK101 - look it up) and this is the worst set of problems I have ever had.
Turns out that the monitir has a dodgy DP input (I'm using my own 2nd monitor) HDMI is fine.
So got up windows. However - big however.

1) To update to win11, I need secure boot. I go through the process described by ASRock - ASRock > FAQ
2) But then the system just continually boots to BIOS. and the boot priority list has disappeared.

The only way I can get it to boot to windows is to clear/rest bios, but then I am back to step 1 !!
All sorted
1 Not only did I have problems changing discs to GPT (more than 3 partitions)
2 Then win11 wanted to reright everything because the languages didn't match.
3 Tried all sorts of suggested ways - eventually resorted to tweeking the registry!

ANyway thanks for the guidance along the way.
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