Acer S240HL Monitor Unresponsive

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PCHF Member
Sep 9, 2021
Hey all,

I have an old Acer S240HL monitor. The other day, I was attempting to free up some space on a power brick (UK) and temporarily removed a plug for the monitor. After putting it back in (after realising that moving around the plugs was a failed endevour), the monitor ceased to function mostly. I say mostly simply because the power light, though dim, is still on, and blue, suggesting that it's possibly in a boot-loop or something similar.

Troubleshooting steps taken:
  • Unplug everything and wait 24 hours
  • Try a different HDMI input
  • Try the HDMI cable in another monitor (working)
  • Test the voltage from the power adaptor (19V, intended)
  • Try all the buttons (including the power button)
  • Probably more, but my memory isn't great, happy to answer questions though
I am in Tech Support myself, and have done all that I can think of right now. I even went to page 2 of Google search (I know, I'm desperate). I had a feeling that power being provided was inadequate, but that was put to rest after testing the power supply.

I'm at a bit of a loss here folks, so I'd be happy to answer any questions, and see if just laying it out on (digital) paper can bring something to light.

Thank you all,
my PC parts retailer shows that monitor still available for $AUD163.00 0 how old is your unit?
they should have a 3 year warranty as well.
have you tried the VGA port on the monitor?
have you another PC/laptop you can plug the monitor into?
my PC parts retailer shows that monitor still available for $AUD163.00 0 how old is your unit?
they should have a 3 year warranty as well.
have you tried the VGA port on the monitor?
have you another PC/laptop you can plug the monitor into?
Still available?? Wow, that's surprising to me. I've had the monitor for 4 years now, little over, and it was purchased from someone who was looking to sell on some possessions before he went to the army. I got a fantastic deal on it as he was basically offloading anything and everything at the time. He took care of it, I made sure of it, and it was barely even used, primarily as a second monitor.

I have been able to try the VGA, and the HDMI from another working computer (tested against known working monitor to verify that it was working as intended). Again, no dice, though those tests were done knowing that they wouldn't work, as even with no inputs connected, it would normally stay on (as in, not in standby) searching for inputs until it was turned off via the button. The monitor could be plugged in, and as soon as it has power, it begins searching for input. Normal behavior would normally be;
  • Connect only power = Turn on automatically, begin searching for input continuously unless power button is pressed, or one of the menu buttons pressed to adjust default settings
  • Connect video input = Nothing (unpowered)
  • Connect power once video input is connected, and video output device is powered = Automatically switch to the input, displaying whatever is being sent
  • Connect power once video input is connected, but video output device is unpowered = Automatically switch to the input, but put device into standby
  • Connect power once video input is connected, but video output device is disconnected = Turn on automatically, begin searching for input continuously unless power button is pressed, or one of the menu buttons pressed to adjust default settings
I can verify that the issue is with the peripheral, and not the media output device (PC/Laptop/Console). The issue lies in either the monitor itself, or the power cable. As the power cable seems to be delivering the correct voltage, it would seem that the issue is with the device itself, in, as I say, a boot loop of some description. No noises were heard at the time of "the incident", and the only tell was that Windows played the "device disconnected" sound. It's still in device manager, but as a disconnected device, this is the same as if it were disconnected while it worked though.

It's really on me for a fix, and any advice I receive. I've got an microelectronics technician to offer up some advice, though he's busy at the moment (timezones, bleh). It'll likely come to me dismantling the device to do some investigative surgery, and seeing if a cap has released its juices. I would've expected a noise from that though, as the incident came as a result of power loss/reconnection. I can't say I haven't seen a slow release, but I feel it to be unlikely. The device was not disturbed in any way during the incident, and it's been fairly well maintained. My second monitor is a real dinosaur, and it has moderately frequent issues. Those have faded away over time, though that typically means the device will just fail one day without much of a push to do so.

I appreciate the response, and the sorta jab to provide more relevant information.

Thanks Bruce,
here is their link;
but double checking and having a girl look this time, there aren't showing as in stock, so I suspect you are right and they are long gone.

new ones are;
and this one;

so, under $AUD200 will get a new one, so bear that in mind when paying for repairs.

you've done the different cables, different ports and different devices tests, all with no luck, which points to the monitor itself going pear-shaped.

to get you over the hurdle for now, what about HDMI'ing the PC to a TV?
here is their link;
but double checking and having a girl look this time, there aren't showing as in stock, so I suspect you are right and they are long gone.

new ones are;
and this one;

so, under $AUD200 will get a new one, so bear that in mind when paying for repairs.

you've done the different cables, different ports and different devices tests, all with no luck, which points to the monitor itself going pear-shaped.

to get you over the hurdle for now, what about HDMI'ing the PC to a TV?
Aye, I was wondering where you were finding them in stock, thought I'd been put in communication with someone in either the past, or far, far future!

And yup, done all the usual tech supporty type things, nothing on the Tubes, nothing on page 2 of Google, not really sure what to even search for really, as I usually have a complete failure, or a working device, no in-between.

So yeah, my "third monitor" has been put back into action. A behemoth of a display in the form of a 4K 49" tv that I'm around 2 foot from. Mounted on the wall above my setup, and purely there for when the gf and myself decide to watch a movie. It does the job... but it ain't a monitor, and I don't like to crick my neck up all the time. So investigative surgery it is, see if there's a popped cap, see what there is to prod with a meter, been a while since I've ripped open a monitor. Probably closing in on a decade, so at least the technology is somewhat the same as what I have.

Ah well, I appreciate the input Bruce, hope you have a lovely 2021 :)
with budget and COVID lock down constraints to consider, would a new 24" monitor not be the quickest, stressfree path?
personally, I'd be taking the oppurtunity to get a nice 27" unit. :)
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