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  1. Devil?

    Solved Is my gpu or psu faulty??

    Hey guys, I recently bought a used asus gtx 1080 strix, along with a brand new 650w psu (I upgraded from a gtx1050ti). Every now and then the monitor turns black and i'm hit with the "no signal" text. Then I have to press the power button to force my pc to restart to get signal. Event Viewer...
  2. T

    Acer S240HL Monitor Unresponsive

    Hey all, I have an old Acer S240HL monitor. The other day, I was attempting to free up some space on a power brick (UK) and temporarily removed a plug for the monitor. After putting it back in (after realising that moving around the plugs was a failed endevour), the monitor ceased to function...
  3. B

    RAM slot not registering

    Dell Inspiron 15 7000 series Hi all, I just recently picked up two 16 GB sticks of RAM for my laptop. After install I loaded the BIOS and it registered the increase from 8GB to 16GB in DIMM Slot A but didn't in DIMM Slot B. I tried switching the sticks into the opposite slots to no avail. I...