slow pc first time

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  1. djasindra

    Solved HDD causing lags on boot.

    So recently my PC had this period where it's partially unresponsive. It boots quickly to desktop in less than 30 seconds because the OS is installed on a SSD. But after it gets to desktop interface I can't open any program other than explorer or anything that's installed in the HDD, if i do...
  2. J

    VERY GOOD SPECS BUT SLOW PC, please help me !!

    So I bought a second hand pc, it is 4 years old. These are the specs: i5-3570k gtx 660 16gb ram 500gb hdd 128gb ssd Corsair cX600 MSI H77MA-G43 As you can see, pretty good specs. But I have some problems and I think they have something to do with each other: -When opening a program the first...