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  • Hello everyone We want to personally apologize to everyone for the downtime that we've experienced. We are working to get everything back up as quickly as possible. Due to the issues we've had, your password will need to be reset. Please click the button that says "Forgot Your Password" and change it. We are working to have things back to normal. Emails are fixed and should now send properly. Thank you all for your patience. Thanks, PCHF Management
  1. TeeZ

    5 beeps when starting my PC

    Components: Intel Core i7-12700F (2.1 GHz) GIGABYTE B760 DS3H DDR4 DDR4 Textorm - 32 GB 3200 MHz - CAS 16 Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4070 GAMING OC Gigabyte UD750GM - 750W When starting my PC, the speaker beeps 5 times and a red light comes on on my motherboard which indicates a problem with my...
  2. Eobard Thawne

    Thermal Throttling after installing new CPU cooler

    I have an i5 11400 paired with a GTX 1650 Super, Before,I had a stock intel cooler installed and I noticed that as the summer came, The temperatures of the CPU started to touch 100 degrees C as I live in a hot region.. So I decided to upgrade to an aftermarket cooler and bought the Cooler Master...
  3. G

    In Progress PC won't post - Mobo/GPU/CPU/PSU?

    Hello, The problem As the title of the thread says, my PC won't post. First it would just make the display flicker and then give me a black screen. I then went to the BIOS configuration screen. The display would flicker there as well, which must mean that the issue is a hardware issue. After a...
  4. Subareesh Krishnan R

    Solved One of the land pads of 9900K if broken.

    I unknowingly put the processor on the my mobo (MSI Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon AC) socket with bent pins. One of the pins got stuck on my processor’s land pad due to pressure. After noticing, I actually removed the pin from the land pads but the gold plate was also unfortunately chipped off (not...
  5. D

    PC Laptop for Gaming under $500?

    I own an expensive Macbook Pro required for my college, but I have become increasingly frustrated with the amount of games Mac OS X does not support. Because of this, I want to buy a PC laptop STRICTLY for gaming, so I don't want to drop a large sum of money on it. However, I've been doing...
  6. B

    Cpu and Gpu performance drop by 30% in sync

    It all started around 2 weeks ago, steam would take up 30% of my cpu randomly for no reason, was not downloading anything or even doing anything. This caused insane fps lag when playing games So I factory resettled my PC Everything was fine for a few hours when I was downloading everything back...
  7. C

    PC isn't posting after failed CPU upgrade

    I have a HP Compaq office PC and i wanted to upgrade the processor. (compaq presario cq5720f) I accidentally ordered the wrong type of CPU for my CPU socket.( AMD FX 4-Core Black Edition FX-4300, FD4300WMHKBOX) (AM3+ processor for an AM3 socket) . Obviously the processor didn't work and nothing...
  8. E

    Solved Please help with my pc

    so is this enough thermal paste in my processor