Thermal Throttling after installing new CPU cooler

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Eobard Thawne

PCHF Member
May 25, 2022
I have an i5 11400 paired with a GTX 1650 Super,
Before,I had a stock intel cooler installed and I noticed that as the summer came,
The temperatures of the CPU started to touch 100 degrees C as I live in a hot region..
So I decided to upgrade to an aftermarket cooler and bought the Cooler Master Hyper H410R RGB, but after installing it,
I noticed that the CPU throttled to 0.8 GHz under load,I tried to figure out the problem and found that it was not my CPU but TMPIN0 on the motherboard (which I'm assuming is the CPU socket) which reaches really high temps under load and causes throttling,I plugged in the stock cooler back and realized that the problem was gone with the stock cooler, I'm really annoyed cz of it as I cannot use the stock cooler either nor do I wanna get these heavy throttles under load with my other cooler,
Can anyone please help with this?
A reply would be appreciated
no traction so far, so let's see if we can generate some interest...

did you replace the thermal paste when changing heatsinks?
what motherboard header are you plugging the fan into?
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