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  • Hello everyone We want to personally apologize to everyone for the downtime that we've experienced. Due to the issues we've had, your password will need to be reset. Please click the button that says "Forgot Your Password" and change it. Thanks, PCHF Management
  1. T

    Solved Help with removing adware

    Yesterday, i found google chrome to be redirecting me to other webpages and spamming me with adverts, so i looked around and found that this is called adware. So i followed a few threads and installed malwarebytes which found an adware program along with some other stuff. So i removed them...
  2. georgeks

    Hackers hid malware in CCleaner

    "Hackers modified versions of the Avast-owned CCleaner software to infect potentially millions of PCs with a backdoor. The so-called supply chain attack targeting CCleaner users was discovered by researchers at Cisco's Talos cybersecurity team, which reported its findings to Prague-based...
  3. nick1234

    Conversation Desktop ethernet connection stopped working overnight... may be an infection

    I was redirected here by a user in a different channel, who after looking at my MiniToolBox logs, said that he believes there is an infection of some sort causing my computer issues. Back story: My desktop stopped connecting to the internet using my laptop... I don't know why, it happened over...
  4. tobi19

    Solved Chrome popups, viruses etc.

    Ok, so this started like 1-2 days ago... All of a sudden I started getting all these popups viruses, ads. etc. For example, every time I search for something (doesn't matter what) the first 3 results are from this iq option page, or some other similar. I tried everything, reinstalling Chrome 2-3...
  5. V

    Solved Need help to remove R@1n-KMS

    Hey guys, need help to remove kms r@in in my pc.. my brother download it from some website and didn't check with me first before installing.. now my chrome will sometimes open itself and redirect to some web.. been reading a post regarding the same problem but i think i need to post some log...
  6. S

    Solved Suspected Matrix Ransomware. Need help in removing it.

    Hi, I have recently noticed that all my files have been encrypted and have the extension .matrix . Clearly, this seems to be a case of matrix ransomware and each time I start my laptop, I get the following pop-up window: I have installed a couple of antivirus softwares such as Kaspersky, Avast...
  7. A

    Solved Pop Ups with sexual content

    Hi, I probably have some sort of malware on my PC. When Chrome is opened pop ups show up without me even clicking on anything. They usually contain quite graphic sexual content so it puts me into a very embarrassing position when I´m using my PC at school or in public. What I´ve tried: I´ve...
  8. F

    Solved 2017-03-11 - Back for more

    Hi all, About a week after my last visit I noticed a browser hijack. I opened a page and in just under a second the browser loaded a page claiming to be a Firefox update page, and it popped up a download window asking me to download a javascript file. It's been busy at work so I haven't had...
  9. G

    Solved Virus/malware or something else? Keyboard issue

    Laptop: Sony Vaio VPCEB2C5E running Windows 7 While visiting websites for a project (investment websites - didn't think there was anything dodgy) my laptop started performing strangely. Several of the keys stopped working - p, shift, odd numbers (1,3,5,7,9), and backspace. If I pressed them...
  10. slonslon7

    Solved Malware help

    Hello. I've been having some malware issues. Have scanned with a host of AM and AV, removed some items but some issues persist: -Some kind of DNS hijacker (RogueKiller finds DHCPnameserver) but it keeps coming back. In chrome before visiting any site it says "waiting for"...
  11. C

    Solved Can't get rid of Trojan Poweliks.Gen.2

    I can't get rid of this nasty bugger. Picked up by Bitdefender, often says deleted, cleaned but it always comes back. Any help would be huge-thanks!
  12. Isorene

    Solved Broadcaster Channel pop-ups

    Seond and aptop: Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) (x86) Version: 19-02-2017 Ran by sandra123 (administrator) on SANDRA (20-02-2017 22:47:28) Running from C:\Users\sandra123\Downloads Loaded Profiles: sandra123 (Available Profiles: sandra123) Platform: Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (X86)...
  13. srkzzzi

    Solved Chinese ucdrv malware

    Here are the logs once again FRST.txt Addition.txt
  14. T

    Solved How to remove rundll32.exe virus.

    hi. I have a problem with my pc..everytime I click it will pop up this message "Windows cannot find 'C:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and athaen try again. please assist what should I do to overcome this issue.
  15. Řízkomač

    Conversation win32cldefender.exe or old - making processors work on 99% - 100%

    Good day, so recently I have been having trouble with my new notebook from Dell. It works fine...except there is a problem with some program. This "old" program (it's called like that in the Task Manager) or win32cldefender.exe (that's how it is called in it's file, which is located in my...
  16. herlanczar

    Conversation Google websites works on other gadgets but not on Laptop

    When I go to Youtube, it doesn't appear properly and won't play video. I also can't logout on my Gmail. I tried restarting my router and clean my pc for malwares, cleared cookies/caches, tried Google DNS and flush DNS on cmd but websites still won't work correctly. This happens only on my PC as...
  17. M

    Solved & ad malware on google chrome

    Hello! So a couple of days ago I accidentally downloaded an addon to google chrome that's called It has since then messed up my browser by adding addons, changing homepage address, ads that pop on and you know the stuff that ad malwares do. I usually fix this problem by just...
  18. N

    Conversation My games are randomly crashing

    Hello, I'm not very good with all the PC specs so not sure what I should give but I'm on windows 10, I have an I7 and GTX 960, 64-bit operating system. I recently bought Dishonoured and for some reason, it keeps crashing at random points during the game, this happens for me on Mount and Blade...
  19. Prinny

    Solved Computer freezes up

    Not even sure if this is the right place to post this, but here goes. Here I am What started out as annoying game crashing has somehow escalated into this. I don't know how/if I...
  20. H

    Solved Laptop is running really slowly

    So I have had a my laptop for about 4 years, stopped using it for a while and now it has become incredibly slow. It takes it about a minute to open up google chrome and then ages to load up a webpage while the Internet is running fine on other devices. My fps in games has also significantly...