frozen screen

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  1. StormDin0

    Solved Please help! Lots of games crashing, no idea why?

    Hello, So I have been trying to work out now what's wrong with my PC. I recently built a new system and the only part I transferred over from my old system was my Zotac AMP Extreme 1080 (the reason being is how the graphics card market is right now I can't buy a new one). So currently I am...
  2. manu0221

    New(ish) Gaming PC won't stop freezing

    Around the ond of October of 2019, I got a new Gaming PC built up. I never got any problems until recently. These last days I have had some performance problems while playing my games, I've been playing a lot of Fortnite (at first I thought it could be only a problem of Fortnite, but it had...