black screen of death

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  1. J

    Random black screening

    I've been having an issue for a while where my computer will randomly crash. It normally crashes by the screen turning black but i can still hear audio and afterwards i have to force a restart to fix it. This issue seems to happen randomly as it has happened during CPU and GPU intensive games...
  2. pizza time.

    Solved Frequent random signal loss, having to force turn off. RTX 3080 at fault?

    My monitors frequently started turning black with the signal lost pop up. They then continue to stay in that state until I force the pc to turn off and reboot. I bought my Zotac trinity oc rtx 3080 10gb lhr in August 2021. Other specs are an i9 10900k, trident z 2x16gb ddr4 3200mhz, a z490 aorus...
  3. S

    Lenovo Legion Y540 shuts down on some games

    My laptop has crashed several times since October 31, 2022. I read a lot of threads on various websites (including this one, Reddit, Quora, Microsoft forums, and Tom's Hardware), but I couldn't find an answer that would help in my situation. It's possible that these problems began shortly after...
  4. AGenericFool

    Mostly Blue Screens of death, a few black screen crashes

    Hey, so since very roughly about a month ago I am frequently experiencing Blue Screens of Death, with two black screen crashes sprinkled in. The last BSOD message was "Kernel Security Check failure", which happened more than once, I haven't wrote the other ones down, but generally all I found...
  5. P

    PC Crashes to black screen with sound freeze

    Hi, I'm having serious issues with my PC. Whenever I launch any game, it crashes the whole PC in no more than 5 mins. Black screen and loud sound freeze. And even without touching it, after a random amount of time, it occasionally just crashes on idel and restarts. I reinstalled windows, some...
  6. R

    Black Screen + Buzzing Sound From Speakers, Sometimes Stuck At BIOS SCREEN

    My PC operating on Windows 7 started sometimes getting stuck at bios screen with nothing to do but a restart which solved the problem since I guess about a month ago and resulted with a black screen and a buzzing sound from the speakers a few times while gaming, 2 of 3 of which are not demanding...
  7. Renosk

    Black screen of death pop up all the time!

    Hello everyone. I have a problem with my pc and I want some advice about it. I build my pc by myself before 5-6 months. Before a month I had some black screens coming up all the time. That day, I had to finish some work to my pc and I couldn’t just google it or open the case to see what is going...
  8. M

    PC stable only in Safe Mode; black screen of death in normal

    Hello, my PC has been very stable for years... but suddenly developed a chronic case of black-screen-of-death this Thanksgiving, and I have been unable to correct the problem at all. I am seeking help from anyone more computer-savvy than me (which is probably everyone here). OS: Windows 7...
  9. C

    Solved Need help with BSoD

    I recently built a pc (first time) and after installing windows I keep getting problems when I play games (using integrated graphics). Stop codes: UNEXPECTED KERNAL MODE TRAP (igdkmd64.sys failed) KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED (tcpip.sys failed) DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL (dxgmms.sys...
  10. T

    Random black screens persist through reboot

    Hi guys ^^ I've been coping with a really bad problem. I resfreshed my pc, format and new windows installation, and now every now and then my monitor will lose its feed from the computer. Sometimes it goes together with a crash and sometimes I can still hear the software working perfectly. Now...