Question Advice on upgrading graphics card is enough for gaming or not

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PCHF Member
Aug 8, 2024
I want to upgrade my normal PC to a gaming PC, but my budget is low. I was thinking, can I just change the graphics card to make it suitable for gaming? Also, could you suggest some good budget-friendly graphics cards that would work well for gaming?

What games are you wanting to play ? Give us your complete pc spec's you have now .
Looking at the minimum specs for the games you have now, and games you are thinking of getting, then adding a bit of extra spec for future proofing, would be a good start.

But generally, building a gaming PC which are known for higher than average spec'd components, on a budget will always leave you with some parts being your bottleneck.

You'll be starting with at least a better GPU, which will probably force you to get a better PSU.
Then you'll probably want/need to get more RAM, then you'll discover the CPU is slowing you down.
In other words, over the course of the next 6 months or so, before you know it, you've actually forked out for mostly a new PC anyway, but still with an old generation motherboard, which hasn't got DDR5 capability, or USB-C ports, or NVMe drive slots - which may or may not be what you'd be chasing down the track.

My point - do your research up front, what starts out as a budget upgrade may not end up that way in the long run.
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