Desktop icon won't delete

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PCHF Member
Sep 10, 2024
Hello folks,

This is an off-the-wall question but I've searched on the web for an hour with no satisfactory result, so, I thought, what the heck, you guys are just probably sitting around eating pizza with nothing else to do. On my desktop I have a shortcut from a Google search. Okay. I've had millions of them over the years and never had any problem deleting them when needed. However, I have one now that refuses to go away. When I try, I get a message saying its "location can not be found. Try again."

What is the problem, I wonder? My AVG Tune-up program is of on use. I can't drag it into the recycling bin or move it onto a memory stick. So, what's up, do ya' think?

Okay. If you got nothing else to do and you think you might have the answer, let me know.

I'm attaching a screenshot of what I get when attempting to delete said icon.

Thanks. Take care.
First thing I would try is to boot the PC into Safe Mode and using File Explorer, navigate to C:\users\ and have a look in every users Desktop folder for that file.
It may be in the \Public\Desktop folder for example.
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