PC just freezes after Graphic Card update. Sys Error?

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PCHF Member
Jul 28, 2021
Hey friends,
I am having a quite big problem with my XMG C506 laptop, which is right now essential to my paid work.

Today I wanted to update my graphic cards driver for my GeForce 980m. I downloaded the latest driver and installed it. While the process was running, I accidentatlly started Premiere Pro again and suddenly the pc turned into a Blue Screen with the error: VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR

In the following Boot Screen from windows, to repair the problem, none of the functions worked. Reset to last Save Point, Reset PC, etc. all ended with an error saying that there was a problem. I tried everything multiple times, but the dialog couldn't help. So I created a clean Medium with another pc on a USB Drive and reset windows.

Now after the second Re-Install the Problem is still reoccuring. With different symptoms:

Windows freezes directly in the invite screen. (No Blue Screen)
Windows freezes some time after boot up, but step by step. Single windows don't respond and the last only the mouse is moving until it also freezes. (No Blue Screen)
Windows crashes after Log in with Blue-Screen: dpc_watchdog_violation

I tried system scans, disk scan, Virus scan, reinstalling driver, reinstalling OS.

The only thing that stopped the problem, was the clean uninstall from all nvidia components with DDU. But as soon as I reinstalled a nvidia driver the problems started again.

Have I somehow created a Hardware Failure? Or do you guys have any other ideas???

I'm super lost and thankful for aaaaaany help!!!!
Hello javi_erself,

After clean installing Windows did you then install the system drivers and starting with the chipset drivers first, if you don`t do this you are 100% going to get issues, do you still have the driver disk that shipped with the notebook, if not, you can download the drivers from here
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