Pending OP Response PC Constantly Reboots

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PCHF Member
Aug 16, 2024
Before I spend the money on a new motherboard I thought I'd ask here if anyone has any suggestions.

My computer this past week started having random reboots. No blue screen, no messages, just restarting as if I had pressed the reset button. This has progressed over a week's time from happening a couple of times a day to now every 2-3 minutes. It's been stable for 4 years until this point, I built it in June 2020 and it's been running fine until now.

The system:
ROG Strix X570-E Gaming mboard
AMD Ryzen 7-5800X CPU
G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 64GB (4 x 16GB) 288-Pin PC RAM DDR4 3600
Seagate Firecuda 520 1TB SSD boot drive (M.2) plus a 4TB 7200 HD for data
RTX 2080 GPU
Corsair water cooler
750w PS

These are the things I've tried, one step at a time in no particular order:

Used HWInfo to see if there is a heat issue... none reported
Ran Windows 11 memory checker, all good
Upgraded the BIOS to the latest version on the ASUS site.
Replaced the PS with a Corsair 850w I had spare
Replaced the SSD with a new Samsung M.2 SSD
Replaced the GPU
Ran memcheck from a bootable USB to double check the memory, no problems.
Removed and reseated the memory; also tried running the system with just 1 stick.
No codes generated on the motherboard LCD and leads to normal AA code during post.

Interestingly, when I booted the system from a bootable USB stick to run the memcheck, the system ran for over an hour to process the memory checking, and also reported the CPU and temperature as normal. I also have a Paragon Hard Disk manager USB drive that boots into Windows PE (I'm not sure exactly which version) and everything appears to be stable in it for 30 minutes... but when attempting to install Windows 11 from USB to the new SSD, it installs and gets to the point of asking for the credentials to create an account when it just suddenly reboots. When booting from an Ubuntu live USB stick, it loads and gets to the Ubuntu desktop but reboots after about a minute. I then booted from a Zorin live USB and it did the same thing of loading to the desktop and then suddenly restarting with in about a minute. So loading a complete OS seems to trigger the reboot.

When it reboots, it often slows down dramatically during the post process. The code LED is very slow changing the codes as it posts... to the point where I just power it off.

I'll welcome any suggestions of things to try but I'm to the point of swapping out the motherboard since I've changed and/or tested everything I can thing of.

When booting from an Ubuntu live USB stick, it loads and gets to the Ubuntu desktop but reboots after about a minute. I then booted from a Zorin live USB and it did the same thing
This is telling. Telling that it's not software but hardware.
First things come to mind are PSU, Heat, RAM.

You've addressed these it seems. How many passes did you run Memcheck?

Try this one for 8 passes please.