I can use the internet but I cannot connect to any game servers

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PCHF Member
Oct 14, 2024
I cannot connect to any game servers, but everything else works perfectly fine as intented.
I have tried everything I can possibly find online, but nothing works. I don't have much knowledge about stuff like this so its getting pretty frustrating.

I know my ISP doesn't block any ports and I've tried turning off the firewall.

I have no clue what to do
Welcome to PCHF 😀

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I'm wandering if it is due to this being:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Education Version 10.0.19045 (True)
Were you ever able to connect to game servers with this machine?
Where did you get it, college campus?
Perhaps the it department blocked access to gaming on this machine.

Anyhow, you can Reset the network:

Then open elevated command prompt:

Copy and paste the code below and hit enter:

note: this will reboot the computer in 60 seconds.

attrib -h -r -s %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
echo. > %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
netsh advfirewall reset
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on
gpupdate /force
gpupdate /sync
gpupdate /boot
shutdown -r
I've got the windows key from a site where all students here can buy it at a discounted price, it's widely used, probably too by schools. But this is my private PC that I built myself. I have always been able to play games with this, until last Thursday.

I reset the network and pasted the code which rebooted the computer, but I still get the error sadly.
Thanks already for your help
Maybe it helps if I tell this too.

I live at a school campus so I get my internet from their provider, which is by law prohibited from blocking any ports. I have my own router here through which I get my internet and wifi, but I don't know much about how these work or how these operate, they have been working fine and seem to work fine even now, I just cannot connect to any game servers. No one else on campus has this issue, so I don't think it is my school separately blocking my ports (if that is even possible).
I've got the windows key from a site where all students here can buy it at a discounted price, it's widely used, probably too by schools. But this is my private PC that I built myself.

Sorry but as per the PCHF Terms and rules that we each agreed to abide by when becoming a member;

3. Discussion of or promotion of sites offering cracks, warez, torrents, pornography or any other illegal material or any software created to download any of the above will result in an immediate ban. This includes nulled, copied or any other illegal software or operating systems.

Couple of reasons why this is a forum rule not just here but on any reputable forum;

Microsoft do not sell the Education version of Windows, it is only normally provided by an education facility and the licence a volume licence key aka VLK which the facility pays a subscription for, such systems are under the control of a systems administrator who when they have problems that they cannot themselves are entitled to support direct from MS to whom they have paid for direct support.

Because Enterprise is used in large places of learning a Network is involved, if any helper were to assist a member that was on such a network and the network got infected with malware the forum that the helper was posting on would be liable to legal action and on a grand scale.

The only help we will offer is to help members remove non legit software and then get themselves running a legit system, nothing else.
Understandable, but how is it not an inherent risk of any helper assisting members that malware may get distributed and legal action may be iniated? Or is this only on a grand scale.
First and foremost, I don't make the rules only make sure that they are applied.

Secondly, a personal computer is just that and if a member downloads or makes changes to their own system they have done so knowingly and therefore accepted risk and have no legal recourse, if however the same scenario was applied but the member was connected to a school or business network that got infected and was ( A ) paid for by someone else and ( B ) under the control of a system administrator the legal action would be against the person that infected the system and any forum that the infection came from.
Yeah fair enough, no need to get defensive, wasn't attacking you. Do you know if there is any way I can see if that organization is linked to me anywhere?
No one was being defensive, forum rules are what they are and the thread should have just had the forum rules quoted and the thread then shut, time was taken to afford you the courtesy of an explanation of why the rules are in place something of which no one here is obliged to do.

Not sure as to which organisation it is that you refer + as was explained in my reply #9 the only help we are able to offer is to help members remove non legit software and then get themselves running a legit system, you have not implied that this is the direction that you want to go so the thread will be closed as per the forum rules.
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