Solved BSoD DPC WACHDOG Violation, after installing gpu driver

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PCHF Member
Jan 21, 2023
Hello, so i bought a gtx 560ti and seller wrote he had problems with installing drivers, so i installed it on my test platform with q6600 4GB Ddr2 RAM and 120GB SSD with Windows 10. Immediately after installing drivers artifacts start to show up on the screen, and then Windows crashes with that error: DPC WACHDOG Violation. I cant get into safe mode beacuse my keyboard dont work after restart when i have to choose type of boot with function keys. I installed my HD2600pro and uninstalled drivers. After installing them once again the same problem occurs. Without drivers everything seems to work fine. Is there any way to solve this problem?
A fifteen year old CPU and a twelve year old GPU 😵

What is the brand and model name or number for both the MB and the PSU.

Edit to add: If not already aware, GPUs can sometimes work using Windows own drivers because the card works in dumbed down mode, install the correct drivers and the card can work at full power and a weak/failing PSU or bottlenecking hardware can cause the PC to have all sorts of problems.
A fifteen year old CPU and a twelve year old GPU 😵

What is the brand and model name or number for both the MB and the PSU.

Edit to add: If not already aware, GPUs can sometimes work using Windows own drivers because the card works in dumbed down mode, install the correct drivers and the card can work at full power and a weak/failing PSU or bottlenecking hardware can cause the PC to have all sorts of problems.
Mobo is gigabyte ga-g31m-es2l, and the PSU is coolermaster gx450 80 plus bronze. I also tried older drivers, and I reinstalled gpu bios.
gx450 80 plus bronze.

A twelve year old PSU that even when out of the box new could not provide the 450W that a GTX 560Ti requires, you can confirm both here and here

Try a better PSU and preferably one that is still in warranty and can produce more than 450W with Bronze efficiency.

Side note, something else that could cause problems, there are Windows 10 drivers available for the GPU but the latest for the MB are Windows 7.
A twelve year old PSU that even when out of the box new could not provide the 450W that a GTX 560Ti requires, you can confirm both here and here

Try a better PSU and preferably one that is still in warranty and can produce more than 450W with Bronze efficiency.

Side note, something else that could cause problems, there are Windows 10 drivers available for the GPU but the latest for the MB are Windows 7.
I will try it with corsair vs550 and other mobo (still some Old gigabyte), but I will do it on Windows 7.
I will try it with corsair vs550

VS = Value Series is also three days older than grass and not even Bronze efficiency rated, I make no apology for saying that you are troubleshooting old tech with junk PSUs.

Best to get the GPU tested by someone that has the appropriate hardware to do it properly.
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