Solved Blue Screen Of Death (0x00000133 / ntoskrln.exe / hal.dll)

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After 2 days without problems and without GPU, the first BSOD happened right now. I dont really know why, because everything was good. I think the cause could be virtual audio cable/firefox. Im just wondering now, if the gpu was the problem? 2 days was without any problems, now it happened. Maybe just bad luck :/
Also, when my GPU come back from RMA, I will make another disc format.
Below is the minidump.


GPU is sent on RMA and Im waiting for response from the shop I bought it.
PC crashed twice, once yesterday and once today. Below I attach minidumps. I bet it is because of virtual audio cable.
When my new GPU comes from RMA, I will format PC once again.


Nothing identified today just a generic driver but yesterdays was caused by the virtual audio cable.

We can` keep asking for an update every couple of days so if ok with you can we close this and should you need to come back we will re open it.
Forum rules is three days ask for an update, if no reply after two more days post notice that the thread will be closed in 48hrs if still no reply, we have to have such rules because of the amount of people that don`t conclude their threads, after all we are here to help, not chase people for an update.

Keep us informed and you will be fine, let your thread go quiet and the usual rules will apply, we can`t be any fairer than that can we.
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First of all, I want to thank you for reopening thread and I want to apologize for my last post.
I already uninstalled virtual audio cable and I will be testing my PC now.
What about BSOD caused by portcls ? Can I do anything against it?
Also, I have seen some posts on PC websites, where they say that last windows updates are messed up and a lot of users have bsods like
,,DPC watchdog violation" or portcls as I have.
And another question. What do you think about that I have storahci.sys in device manager in SATA AHCI Drivers? As I saw, everyone have iastor.sys, it might be the reason for BSOD or not?
No worries, the past is the past but please do keep in mind all forum rules and as was explained in my reply to your PM any deviation from forum rules the thread will be closed for good.

At this time all that we can do is wait to see if you get any BSOD and analyse any subsequent crash dmps.
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GPU is still on RMA, I am waiting for it and I hope it will be okay when it's back.
Btw, since I uninstalled Virtual Audio Cable - everything works fine, no BSODs..
Maybe, do you know any applications like VAC? I need it for my adobe audition to apply some voice effects on air.
If anything has changed, I will make updates.
Thanks and regards.
Sorry for another message, but I just got my GPU delivered moment ago. After about 2-3 weeks of waiting, they wrote that GPU doesn't have any issues.
I just placed in PC and I'm testing it. I will make updates if anything happened.
Never a problem when you have an important update and this is important.

I suspected that the GPU would be passed as ok by the techs and did say as far back as my reply #47 that I felt that your GPU was ok.

Best thing to do is leave you in peace for now so you go do some gaming to test the card, suggestion, do not install anything other than the GPU drivers until you have given the card a good workout and 100% be sure to create a new system restore point before installing the GPU drivers.
Since then everything was okay, but just right now my PC crashed again with BSOD - Dpc_watchdog_violation, as always.
Below is minidump.


This latest crash is nothing to do with the previous.

No specific driver identified only that Firefox was the cause of the crash.

Try uninstalling FF and using Chrome as your default browser.
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thanks for your answer.
I have done what u said and I am using chrome right now and I will be testing it.
I also read that people who had BSODs caused by firefox was because of issues with graphic drivers.
I will make updates if anything happened.
You are welcome but can I again ask that you only post back when you have something important to tell us, I have to get through around 200 emails a day so can do without having to read stuff that has no consequence, sorry if that sounds harsh but what it basically means is that while I am reading what are unhelpful posts other people that I am helping are having to wait and that is not fair on them.

NB: Read what you want on forums/online but what can`t speak (The Windows Debugger) can`t lie and there is no evidence that GPU drivers were involved in your latest crash only Firefox and fwiw you are more likely to get crashes caused by network drivers when a browser causes a crash.
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I just wanna say, that after uninstalling Virtual Audio Cable and swapping from Firefox to Chrome - no BSODs or other issues.
Everything works perfectly fine!
Btw, do you know what exact driver caused BSOD in Virtual Audio Cable? I kinda need this app and I have to somehow fix it.
I searched for some alternatives to this app, that makes virtual audio but couldn't find anything. I need it to apply some effects on my voice while streaming. Noise reduction etc.
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