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  • Hi there and welcome to PC Help Forum (PCHF), a more effective way to get the Tech Support you need!
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  1. georgeks

    Everything i do crashes as small intervals

    To summarize: The issues have begun from day one, without ANY tinkering with settings (correct me if I am wrong). The Windows installation was original (downloaded from Microsoft) and not altered in any way. You have tested the memory and is good. ASUS have a Q-Code (Error Code) page here. At...
  2. georgeks

    Hp Victus 16 Type-C Charging And Powebank

    Watts= Volts x Amperes, e.g 19.5V x 10A = 195W
  3. georgeks

    Continuous BSOD

    Sorry for missing the module you have. My bad.... Now: Even though I only started checking minidumps during the last year or so, I did notice something on the second one, and searched at Microsoft. There were suggestions of memory issues, so lets start with this first: WIN + R , type mdsched...
  4. georgeks

    Continuous BSOD

    Hi I found the memory you have as compatible here. However, I could not find it at the MSI site here (not on the first 10 entries at least)...
  5. georgeks

    Laptop can't turn on properly

    See is you system supports cloud recovery. It will simplify everything.
  6. georgeks

    Solved Passing on Laptop to a friend

    Start a command prompt and type: shutdown /r /o This will get you to the recovery environment. You can also press WIN+R and type the same command.
  7. georgeks

    Impossible to research; persistent frame stutter/jitter

    This comment "..Both times, it's appeared after a move and I've considered that I might have jostled or damaged something.." forces me to ask a question: Do you know what BGA failure is? When I worked with HP, I read a memo suggesting to let a system run, and then try to move it or lift it...
  8. georgeks

    Impossible to research; persistent frame stutter/jitter

    What if you remove the MSI Afterburner and try again? Is the system on RAID configuration?
  9. georgeks

    Solved PC crashed after BIOS upate, shows error screens after boot

    If you have access to another system, you try the HP cloud recovery tool -this is NOT A WINDOWS MEDIA CREATION TOOL, and it will restore your system to factory default settings (W10). You will need a USB stick and your product ID, it looks something like 512k359#UUG and should be also on the...
  10. georgeks

    Why won't Parallel Launcher work on my system?

    "Parallel Launcher is an easy to use launcher for the ParallelN64 and Mupen64Plus-Next emulators, featuring very easy controller configuration, automatic loading of ROMs from given folders, and automatic setup of optimal settings." On the other hand you state that : "...I was able to patch my...
  11. georgeks

    Installing TPM 2.0

    Sorry but you are not stuck with W10. The link I posted for you, explains how to install W11 without TPM It is very simple to follow,
  12. georgeks

    Installing TPM 2.0

    You can install W11 without a TPM (if you don't mind missing BitLocker). See how here
  13. georgeks

    Windows 10 dont run UEFI boot mode, its run only Legecy mode.

    Usually there is an option to select UEFI or Legacy boot in the BIOS. Sometimes is under security. Check the BIOS menus and sub-menus. What type of laptop is it? Oh BTW: Welcome to the forum ..
  14. georgeks

    Thumb drives always fail on my computer.

    Thumb drives do not appear in explorer unless they have been assign a drive letter. If you are unfamiliar with diskpart, try disk management: Press Win + R. Then type diskmgmt.msc, and hit the Enter key to launch Disk Management.
  15. georgeks

    Bad headset audio

    A troubleshooter appears available at razer
  16. georgeks

    Trying to install windows 10 on a newly built computer

    OOPs, sleepy time.. got to work tomorrow...:sleep:
  17. georgeks

    Trying to install windows 10 on a newly built computer

    Are you sure the SSD is visible in the BIOS? What mode do you employ? AHCI, Intel RST? What is the configuration of the system?
  18. georgeks

    Trying to install windows 10 on a newly built computer

    The best way is to go to here and download the windows 11 media creation tool. That's the one we use at work .
  19. georgeks


    Start a command prompt, and type : Shutdown /r /o then press enter. The system will restart on the screen that allows you to reset Windows. Select Advanced, then the option with UEFI. Press restart. This will get you into the BIOS.
  20. georgeks

    Sound issue?

    Hi Can you please post the S/N and Part Number of your system? -you can find them in the BIOS, just press ESC on startup and then F10. In the mean time, just run system diagnostics (ES-system Diagnostics).