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  1. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    Do you know when this would be released roughly, and the price it could be?
  2. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    Ohh okay, so for a roughly similar price that I’ve got on that list, do you know what’s the best possible pc I could make + to incorporate upgrade ability
  3. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    okay, and also I want this pc to be upgradeable are there parts i should specifically get to allow for this
  4. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    does it have to be western digital black?
  5. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC there you go my bad (:
  6. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC
  7. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    im looking at parts to build my pc btw, if i was to buy my pc my main aim is to have a good gaming pc that can be upgraded in the future :?
  8. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    Okay fair enough, I know this probably sounds repetitive but as I was playing DayZ I could only play on low and would get frame drops and small freezes when looking at big building and aiming etc, does improving RAM or adding ssd improve this or is it purely a case of I can’t like you said
  9. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    do you have any suggestions on how to go about buying a new pc that can be upgraded in the future should i want to
  10. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    so would it just be simpler to get a new pc :/
  11. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    i dont necessarily want to upgrade the psu if i dont have to, i just want guidance on what i can upgrade for example gpu, cpu, ram etc
  12. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    or this
  13. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    this help?
  14. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    I made a post previously on here about how to upgrade my pc but got stumped on where to find my PSU, greeted by help by many wonderful people I was also busy so had no time to open my PC and find out my PSU. I've now sat down and genuinely want to upgrade my PC I bought it roughly 4 years ago...
  15. E

    I want to upgrade my pc but don't know what to upgrade

    Yea, going to open it up today and check, been really busy these past days sorry
  16. E

    I want to upgrade my pc but don't know what to upgrade

    where on speccy would i find info on power supply or will that not show me what it is, also im not sure what the budgets around upgrades are ): so anything considered that will boost my pc slightly nothing MAJOR a range of options would be great so i can see...
  17. E

    I want to upgrade my pc but don't know what to upgrade

    look up, i posted the speccy results
  18. E

    I want to upgrade my pc but don't know what to upgrade

    just games more smoothly, i can run most games i play i just want to fine tune, like gpu cpu ram etc anything that will make my pc more powerful
  19. E

    I want to upgrade my pc but don't know what to upgrade

    sorry about the delay, been feeling poorly.
  20. E

    I want to upgrade my pc but don't know what to upgrade

    no i don't think it's that how do i find the specifics