Solved lenovo g580

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Couple of questions if I may;

What OS are you running.

Why do you ask, are you having trouble with the present drivers.

Have you run the Lenovo driver update checker tool here
Couple of questions if I may;

What OS are you running.

Why do you ask, are you having trouble with the present drivers.

Have you run the Lenovo driver update checker tool here
Yes I ran the tool it shows me a driver version even older than I have
I'm running win 8/8.1 64 bit
I'm getting a message from world of warcraft advising me my intel hd graphics is not up to their min spec although it seems to work well not great but well
That is because the Lenovo drivers are specific to the computer that you have, when you have a brand name computer you should when possible get any drivers from them unless the computer manufacturer tells you otherwise, the latter is quite common for newer computers that have a dedicated GPU and are running Windows 10.

As above, because the computer is a brand name the drivers are specific to the notebook that you have and one of the reasons for this is because the video is provided by the CPU the Lenovo BIOS needs to be able to recognise the drivers on boot else you could end up with a non booting notebook, see canned driver updating info below;

Once Windows has been installed, you install the necessary drivers for the MB and other hardware and then leave well alone, drivers should not be allowed to auto update and you should never update any driver/s unless the new drivers are intended to resolve a specific issue that you are having, installing new drivers unnecessarily can actually cause you the very issues that any new drivers are intended to resolve and uninstalling the new drivers may not resolve the problem/s that installing the new drivers has caused.

Depending on priority it can take many months before the driver provider releases any fix and they sometimes do not even bother.

To the task at hand, no drivers are going to change anything here I`m afraid as this is hardware related as in what you have told us in that the video solution is too weak and without getting too technical the on die graphics does not have enough pipelines, you may be able to improve things though.

How much RAM does the notebook have.

What settings have you been trying to play the game at.
That is because the Lenovo drivers are specific to the computer that you have, when you have a brand name computer you should when possible get any drivers from them unless the computer manufacturer tells you otherwise, the latter is quite common for newer computers that have a dedicated GPU and are running Windows 10.

As above, because the computer is a brand name the drivers are specific to the notebook that you have and one of the reasons for this is because the video is provided by the CPU the Lenovo BIOS needs to be able to recognise the drivers on boot else you could end up with a non booting notebook, see canned driver updating info below;

Once Windows has been installed, you install the necessary drivers for the MB and other hardware and then leave well alone, drivers should not be allowed to auto update and you should never update any driver/s unless the new drivers are intended to resolve a specific issue that you are having, installing new drivers unnecessarily can actually cause you the very issues that any new drivers are intended to resolve and uninstalling the new drivers may not resolve the problem/s that installing the new drivers has caused.

Depending on priority it can take many months before the driver provider releases any fix and they sometimes do not even bother.

To the task at hand, no drivers are going to change anything here I`m afraid as this is hardware related as in what you have told us in that the video solution is too weak and without getting too technical the on die graphics does not have enough pipelines, you may be able to improve things though.

How much RAM does the notebook have.

What settings have you been trying to play the game at.
I'm running recommended settings (wow) and I've got eight mg of ram I'm using a driver I d/l from intels site
Sorry but I do not play wow so have no idea "what I'm running recommended settings" means, can you tell me in laymans terms what that means, low, medium, high or ultra and at what screen resolution

8GB of RAM info acknowledged but to reiterate this has nothing to do with drivers, it is hardware related and being that you have the appropriate 8GB of RAM but a weak graphics solution the only thing that you can do to try and improve things is choosing the display settings that best suit the 8GB of RAM and the Intel HD 4000 graphics.

Can I ask that you do not quote every reply, it really does not help any and just makes for unnecessary reading, thanks.
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