Solved Wondering if this build would work for medium to low tier gaming

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The PSU is under what is needed for the GPU which requires a 450 watt

Thermaltake Smart 430 W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply

Also the incorrect RAM for that CPU

Screenshot 2023-05-02 115913.png
The most important component in your build is garbage and needs to be replaced;
Thermaltake Smart 430 W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply

Rated as – Tier F • Replace immediately

Any PSU needs to be a minimum of Gold efficiency rated and from a proven brand such as the Corsair range, EVGA or Seasonic, 450W minimum.

The RAM needs to be changed for 2666MHz as 3200MHz is too fast for the CPU, see specs here
Sorry but a massive big no and for a few reasons.

The CPU at your link is hugely overpriced and you can in fact get 13th gen i5s for less, see here note the much lower price of the i5 9400.

Never have only the one stick of RAM, you will only have single as opposed to dual channel and that will cause a bottleneck.

Just don`t choose anything Thermaltake when it comes to PSUs, you were provided with three top brands in my reply #4, Ledex and Super Flower are two others but more expensive and no better than the other three.
thank you I will chose one of the other power supply . The cpu was a gift so I’m just trying to match parts for it. I appreciate all the help
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